3B Theory Workshop

Who are we?

The 3B is a student-run workshop in Economic Theory jointly organized by grads at Boston College, Boston University, and Brown University

We aim to bring together young theorists from our Departments to broaden our network and foster new collaborations. 

You can find here the panel of current organizers. 

What do we do?

We organize two workshop meetings each semester. Each workshop hosts both senior presentations and junior presentations.

Senior presentations are meant for students in year 4+ and typically consist of a well-defined research idea

Junior presentations are meant for students in years 1-3, are typically shorter, and consist of preliminary ideas. 

How do I participate?

We will hold our next meeting on Friday, April 11th at Brown University. Here is the tentative program.

If you would like to participate, please fill out this form.  .

You can find here our past meetings.