Boost Sales with Salesforce SMS Drip Campaign for Automation

Do you know only 2% of Sales happen during the first point of contact?

This shows that around 98% of sales businesses miss just because they do not contact a person again.

Hopefully, this shows how important it is to engage and follow up with potential customers if you want to crack a deal.

Often sales teams are overloaded and busy doing sales-related activities.

So, there is a fair chance that sales professionals might miss contacting customers a second time or follow-up with them. This would severely impact business sales.

Thus, to get around such situations, businesses need a reliable solution that can help them boost their sales without missing up on follow-up and consistent conversations until a deal is closed.

Salesforce SMS drip campaign for automation is a robust texting solution that can help you improve your sales without much manual intervention. Let's check out how.

Automate Follow-ups

Consistent follow-up is crucial to hold your potential customers and prevent them from switching to other competitors.

The less you engage with your audiences, the more they forget your brand.

So, consistent follow-ups are crucial to nudging them and reminding them of your brand. This would help you stay on top of your potential customer's minds and drive customers towards purchase.

Thus, you can schedule a series of follow-up text messages to engage consistently with prospects without a miss and boost sales.

Engage with Less Responsive Leads

Every customer is important for a business and can help you increase sales if you follow the right approach.

Not every lead is responsive. Sometimes you have to converse with less or non-responsive leads again and again to drive responses.

While chasing such leads, there are fewer chances of conversions, but you can't avoid them completely.

So, it won't be a good idea to invest all your time and effort in such leads.

Therefore, you can set up an SMS drip campaign to drive responses from less or non-responsive business leads.

Later, you can get into one-on-one conversations for conversion when someone responds.

Nurture Leads

Lead nurturing is a crucial step no business can afford to miss when it's about driving sales.

Relationship with customers matters a lot, and your binding with customers affects your sales to a great degree.

You can count on the Salesforce drip campaign for automation and schedule a sequence of text messages for nurturing leads and strengthening your bond.

You can schedule texts with tips, offers, discounts, early access, product testimonials, irresistible deals, etc., to build a long-term connection with your audiences and drive repeat purchases.

This way, you can increase your sales.


Undeniably, consistency is the key to achieving your goals faster. And this applies to business also. An SMS drip campaign capability is designed after knowing the importance of consistent conversations for a business. Thus, users can use it to schedule messages at different intervals so that they can connect with audiences at the right time and converse meaningfully with them. With value-adding messaging, you can turn your brand customer's favorite and reap long-term benefits and sales.