

Technische Universität Dresden

01062 Dresden

  • (+49) 351 / 463 0

  • (+49) 351 / 463 37168

Die Technische Universität Dresden ist eine Körperschaft öffentlichen Rechts.

Sie wird durch den Rektor gesetzlich vertreten.

Die Adresse des Rektors ist

Technische Universität Dresden


Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. (habil.) Hans Müller-Steinhagen

01062 Dresden

Die zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde ist das

Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst

Wigardstraße 17

01097 Dresden


Postfach 100 920

01076 Dresden

  • (+49) 351 / 564 0

  • (+49) 351 / 564 0

Site provider

Technische Universität Dresden

01062 Dresden

  • (+49) 351 / 463 0

  • (+49) 351 / 463 37168

Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden University of Technology) is a corporation under public law. It is represented in all legal contexts by the rector.

The rector’s address is

Technische Universität Dresden


Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. (habil.) Hans Müller-Steinhagen

01062 Dresden

The responsible supervisory authority is

Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst

Wigardstraße 17

01097 Dresden

Postal address:

Postfach 100 920

01076 Dresden

  • (+49) 351 / 564 0

The VAT ID number of the Dresden University of Technology is:

USt.-IdNr. DE 18 83 69 99 1

Contact partner

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Lehner

Technische Universität Dresden

Fakultät Informatik

Institut für Systemarchitektur

Lehrstuhl für Datenbanken

01062 Dresden

Site administration

Technische Universität Dresden

Fakultät Informatik

Institut für Systemarchitektur

Lehrstuhl für Datenbanken

01062 Dresden

  • (+49) 351 / 463 38516

  • (+49) 351 / 463 32827

Data protection officer

Technische Universität Dresden


01062 Dresden

  • (+49) 351 / 463 32881

  • (+49) 351 / 463 32881

Exclusion of Liability

Responsibility for the contents of individual Web pages lies with the institutions or persons providing the information concerned. Despite our careful examination, no liability can be accepted for the accuracy, completeness or up-to-dateness of these Web pages. The Database Systems Group is in particular unable to accept any liability whatsoever for possible damage or other consequences arising from the direct or indirect use of the offered contents.

It is pointed out expressly that the Database Systems Group as provider does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of pages which may be made accessible via links from the Web documents of the Database Systems Group. Sole liability for the contents and in particular for damage arising from the use or non-use of this information remains with the provider of the linked page.


All contents published within the framework of the Internet presence of the Dresden University of Technology (layouts, texts, images, graphics, etc.) are protected by copyright. All use not permitted by the applicable laws on copyright is subject to our prior express consent. This applies in particular to the duplication, editing, translation, storage, processing or transmission of contents in or via databases or other electronic media and systems. Photocopies and downloads of Web pages for private, academic and non-commercial use are permitted.

We expressly permit and welcome the citing of our documents and Web pages, as well as the placing of links to our Web site.

Names and marks mentioned within the framework of the Internet presence may be registered for protection to third parties and are subject without restriction whatsoever to the regulations of the applicable legislation concerning registered marks and to the proprietary rights of the individual registered owner. The mere mention of a name or mark is not to be taken as an indication that the name or mark is not protected by the rights of third parties.

Data Protection Declaration

As a public body, the Database Systems Group is subject to the stipulations of the Saxon Data Protection Law (SächsDSG), in addition to the relevant statutory provisions and regulations concerning protection of the right of self-determination with regard to personal information.

To protect your relevant rights, we have implemented technical and organisational measures to ensure that the regulations governing data protection within the Database Systems Group are also observed by external service providers where the latter contribute to our Web site.

Your data may only be processed to the extent permitted by specific legislation or where your consent has been granted.

For the purposes of data security in connection with access to the Internet presence of the Database Systems Group, our servers temporarily save data which may conceivably permit identification of the user.

These data include:

  • Name of the file retrieved

  • Date and time of the retrieval

  • Message as to whether the retrieval was successful

  • IP address

  • Browser used

  • Operating system used

Where use is made of the offered mail links and mail forms, only the entered data are transmitted to the recipient of the mail. Log files may save the transmission data to be able to ensure maintenance of the service and data security.

The data is not evaluated, except in the following cases:

  • Evaluations in connection with a suspected criminal offence

  • Evaluations in connection with a founded suspicion of misuse

  • Evaluation in anonymous form for:

    • statistical purposes

    • optimisation of the Internet presence

    • research purposes

We wish to point out that data transmission via the Internet, and in particular via e-mail, is at the present time realised via essentially insecure channels. It thus cannot be excluded that transmitted data may become known to unauthorised third parties and may even be falsified.

If you have reason to believe that the data protection provisions listed here have not been observed or that improper use has been made of your personal data by the Dresden University of Technology, then you may also direct your complaint to the data protection officer of the Dresden University of Technology.