Thematic Sessions

The conference will be organized but not limited to four key sub-themes:

1) Regional productions/ecologies

Agroecology and alternative food networks have recently expanded in the face of the crisis of conventional agriculture. A diversity of experiences of resistance and transition towards agroecology and food sovereignty persist but face many difficulties and processes of conventionalisation. To what extent do these alternatives challenge the primacy of mainstream agribusiness? What role does agroecology play in international policies and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?

2) Rural-urban disputes

The boundaries and borders between cities and rural spaces have been transformed, becoming less obvious and more hybrid. New uses and activities in cities as well as processes of rural gentrification emerge. In addition, new and old land users lead to territorial tensions and disputes. The post-pandemic also implied a revalorisation of rural spaces. Youth and neo-ruralities linked to migration, tourism and the use of new technologies are challenging classical understandings of "the rural".

3) Socio-environmental inequalities and environmental conflicts

As a result of increased pressure on natural resource extraction, there has been an increase in socio-environmental inequalities and territorial conflict. Processes of soil, water and forest degradation and pollution, including desertification, are coupled with changes in rural labor. To what extent can new case studies provide not only critiques of the existing reality but also prefigure more sustainable alternatives?

4)  Land ownership, tenure and planning

After a certain academic impasse in attention to the "land question", interest in processes of land appropriation, use and management has returned. Issues related to transhumance, natural protected areas, the subdivision of properties and the territorial demands of indigenous peoples are just some of the topics on the current agenda. In addition, policy responses to land and territorial planning, management and development, incorporating renewed perspectives of participation, gender and environment, also deserve to be analysed.

When sending a proposal for a paper or poster summary, authors must indicate which of the themes they fall into.