Who are we ?

We are

A small family business in our home town, providing the highest quality foods at reasonable prices, trying to keep our high street alive. Support us, support our dream, support Mexborough.

RT on a day out to sunny Cleethorps, he always wanted a Fez and loved posing for this photo, once he put it on he wouldn't take it off.

Why The Name?

The name 30Mexborough came about because of my brother in law, Roy Thomas McCabe Esquire, to give him his full Sunday title as he liked. RT was a very special person who in his later years had a big impact on me and my family.

RT was troubled and had been in mental institutions from the age of about 19. He wasn't allowed to our wedding in 1985, in fact I had little contact with him at all apart from seeing him at my in laws occasionally. There was that stigma around mental illness that made it something to be ashamed of years ago, and my in-laws were both old school.

It wasn't until rose and Charlie passed away that I got to really know RT, eventually we had him moved to a home closer to us and his visits became more and more frequent. In 2008 he started staying with us overnight and soon became a permanent fixture.

Every time he got in the car he would ask where we were going, and I'd say home, to that he would reply 30 Mexborough, then one day driving home I noticed the road signs, 30-mile speed limit followed by welcome to Mexborough, it was the same on all the roads into town. Roy read everything Tv credits, labels on cans and clothes and 30Mexborough.

In late January 2012 Roy was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with cancer, it was advanced, and the outlook was the worst. He came out of hospital in February, back to 30Mexborough. The Home he was in Gave him a fake discharge letter. That letter meant the world to him, he showed it to everyone, I can still hear him saying "Isn't It fantastic Helen I'm not daft, they have discharged me!". Obviously, he chose to live out his days at 30 Mexborough. Sadly, RT passed away in March 2013 leaving a big hole in all our lives as well as a whole host of lovely memories. In remembrance of this gentle, funny and caring man, I have named our Tea Room 30Mexborough.