Over the past few months, your baby has learned to show emotions like caution and fear. But now they might start to feel less fearful of strangers than they used to. Your baby is also more aware of their own needs, and they can let you know what they want.

A baby monitor can offer amazing peace of mind when your baby or toddler is sleeping, allowing you to check in on them and listen for cries when they're napping or sleeping at night in their bedside crib or cot. There are a number of different types on the market, and they range from simple audio monitors that let you know when your little one is crying, to traditional video monitors, to state-of-the-art movement tracking monitors that report on your baby's heart rate and breathing. Some also include extra features that could mean you don't need to buy a separate sleep aid, nightlight or cot mobile.

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These baby monitors come with an additional unit (usually a thin mat that goes under the cot mattress) which tracks the tiny movements your child makes as they sleep. The idea is to give extra reassurance that your child is safe and well: if no movement is detected after a short period, you get an alert. You may find that a high-end video monitor has its own built-in movement sensor, too. These tend to work in the opposite way: they alert you when your child makes a large movement (such as rolling over, sitting, or standing up) to let you know they are awake / unsettled.

These use similar technology to fitness trackers or heart rate monitors to take an even closer look at what your baby is doing while they sleep. You put your baby to sleep wearing the smart item (either a piece of clothing or a clip-on monitor) and it tracks their movement and breathing to deliver data to an app. They often work in conjunction with a video monitor, so you get sound and picture too. Tracking this data can help reassure anxious parents during overnight sleep, and also help to learn more about the baby's sleep habits and patterns to create a better routine. The UK government's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has determined that some of these products are borderline with medical devices, so it's likely we'll see more regulations in this area in the future.

The Nanit Pro Smart Baby Monitor is a hybrid video monitor, sleep tracker and wearable. The camera itself has in-depth movement tracking options of its own, but by adding a wearable element (a swaddle, pyjamas or a chest band - sold separately or in bundles) you'll be able to find out even more about your baby's sleep habits by tracking their breathing too. The app will then give you expert guidance and tips to help your baby to sleep better. Unlike some smart monitors, the wearable is not a sensor in itself, it's printed with a pattern that the camera tracks to "see" your child breathing, so there are no electronic parts on or near your baby.

Another does-it-all monitor that offers extra peace of mind, this video monitor comes with a movement sensor pad that you slip under the baby's mattress. It tracks the tiny movements that come with the child's breathing, and sounds an alert if there's no movement for 15 seconds. Parent tester Luke described it as "a great feature for peace of mind, especially as my 6 month old is now having naps in his nursery and not the same room as us."

The standard Owlet set-up doesn't feature a camera, instead letting the app alert you to your baby's movement. However, if you do prefer to have a visual too, you can purchase a bundle featuring an impressive HD camera, but at 389 this makes it the most expensive offering in our list.

It's normal to have to pee a lot when you're pregnant. Early in your pregnancy, your body makes a hormone that may increase urination. Your growing uterus and baby also press against your bladder. The pressure can wake you up several times a night to go to the bathroom. You may also have the urge to go even when your bladder is almost empty. This problem usually goes away a few days after your baby is born.

You might be surprised that carrying a baby could cause pain in your wrist. But up to 35% of women get pain or weakness in their wrist during pregnancy, usually in the third trimester. Fluid retention puts more pressure on the carpal tunnel, which runs from your wrist to the bottom of your palm. Most likely, the pain will get better within a few months of your baby's birth.

For example, people with diabetes whose blood sugar levels get too high may be more likely to have a miscarriage. And if you have high blood pressure while pregnant, the baby may be more likely to be born preterm (before 37 weeks of pregnancy) .

You might want to start a notebook or use the various charts below. In a notebook, record the time you feel the first fetal movement, place a checkmark for each movement you feel until you reach 10, then record the time of the tenth movement. This will help you observe patterns and discover how long it normally takes for your baby to move 10 times.

Some women who miscarry have cramping, spotting, heavier bleeding, abdominal pain, pelvic pain, weakness, or back pain. Spotting does not always mean a miscarriage. Many pregnant women have spotting early in the pregnancy and go on to have a healthy baby. But just to be safe, if you have spotting or any of these other symptoms anytime during your pregnancy, talk with your doctor.

The most common sign of a stillbirth is decreased movement in the baby. If you notice your baby moving less than usual, call your doctor right away. Your doctor can use an ultrasound to look for the heartbeat or, later in pregnancy, give you a fetal non-stress test. This involves lying on your back with electronic monitors on your abdomen. The monitors record the baby's heart rate and movements, and contractions of the uterus.

If you've had a miscarriage, take time to grieve. The loss of a baby during pregnancy is like the loss of any loved one. Give yourself time to heal emotionally and physically. Some health care providers recommend that women wait one menstrual cycle or more before trying to get pregnant again.

If you smoke while pregnant you are at increased risk of a wide range of problems including miscarriage and premature labour, You are twice as likely to give birth to a low birth weight baby compared to a mother who does not smoke. Low birth weight babies are at greater risk of death and are more vulnerable to infection, breathing difficulties and long-term health problems in adulthood.

The timing of body balance can allow baby to turn or be too late. Some will wait to try these techniques until they are already 34 weeks pregnant and for them, that may be too late. Others do one technique at 40 weeks and it works. How do you know which you will be?

If possible the pruritus and other allergic manifestations in the first trimester of pregnancy should be managed using topical medications like bland emollients and systemic antihistamines should be avoided as none of the antihistamines are categorized as safe by the FDA and in India no specific guidelines exist regarding their use in pregnancy.[10] Preferably all drug usage including antihistamines should be deferred in the first trimester. If antihistamines have to be prescribed then first generation agents should be preferred and among them chlorpheniramine, dexchlorpheniramine and hydroxyzine should be the first choice of agents. The patient should also be advised to drink plenty of water when taking antihistamines during pregnancy to overcome the anticholinergic side effects. They should also be advised to take immediate gynecological consultation if they find any change in the frequency of baby's movement or increased contractions after taking the drugs.

According to one recent study, pregnant women who have been exposed to extreme weather conditions are at risk of producing low-birth-weight babies even after completing 37-plus weeks in the womb. The study revealed that women exposed to extremely cold weather in the second or third trimester of their pregnancy or extremely hot weather in their third trimester had an 18 to 31 percent chance of having a low-birth-weight baby compared to women subjected to mild weather conditions.

Another study from Brazil analyzed hypertensive disorders in pregnant women and found an association between cooler months and the risk of developing hypertension, though there is nothing concrete yet to prove this phenomenon. 9af72c28ce

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