3-2-1 GO! Rockets: Launching Into Space


Safely sending humans into orbit or beyond is a daunting task. Rocketry has been around for thousands of years, across the globe. What started out as launching wooden arrows across battlefields has grown to launching 6.5 million pounds of metal and payload and humans into low-Earth orbit and beyond.

Using the menu on the top left of this page, try some or all of the activities and be prepared to access technology, see science in action, engineer projects, model math with real life applications and, most importantly, have fun!

Win Prizes!

Challenger Colorado hopes you will share pictures and your experiences with us via our Facebook and Instagram pages. Tag us at @challengercolorado with pictures of your family in action with these activites, samples of your projects and ways that your family has expanded its understanding of the world of space exploration!

Throughout the summer we'll be drawing names from post submissions for prizes include Challenger Colorado stickers, kids t-shirts, rocket sets, and even a free show for your family in our Mikkelson Planetarium!

Copyright © 2020 Challenger Learning Center of Colorado. All Rights Reserved8717 Wolf Valley Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80924719 598-9755www.challengercolorado.org