About Joanna Schaefer

I live in the high desert

17 miles south of Hillsboro, New Mexico.

In 1969 I began working with line in sculpture. Using twine, rope, wire and reed I constructed three dimensional pieces that were designed either to hang in space or free stand. I worked exclusively with line for over ten years. By 1980 I had started adding other elements to the pieces, specifically: branches, bones and leather.

I now use a wide variety of materials, from bone to styrofoam.

My early work appears abstract and my recent work appears figurative. To me they are the same; both are my arrangement of form, space, texture, color and attitude. An underlying factor throughout my work is my sense of space derived from landscape.

I am also a printmaker, using wood, cardboard and other materials, sometimes combining relief with intaglio. I do not seriously paint.

I make quilted items, needlepoint, beaded pieces and....

Born in Tucson, Arizona

Raised in Northern Minnesota

Studied at Stitching Ateliers 63

Haarlem, Holland 1969

Received BFA from

Minneapolis College of Art and Design 1971