Pomona Elementary


Welcome to 2nd-grade!

We will to create a Positive Culture and Supportive Community that will ensure Learning and Growth for ALL students!

Second grade is an important year in your academic career! Some end of year Goals include fluent reading with comprehension of fiction and nonfiction texts; math fact fluency; and developing resiliency and a growth mindset. We look forward to helping you learn and grow!

Ms. Roberts:

I was that kid! The one who wanted to play "school" at recess and of course I was the teacher! School was a safe place where I felt cared for and that my learning was valued! This is the environment I endeavor to recreate!

I have been joyously teaching at Pomona Elementary since 2016. I earned a double major in English and Communication, and a minor in Art from Fort Lewis University in conjunction with the John. F. Reed's Honors Program. I also have my Master in Education in Reading from Western Colorado University. I was previously a librarian/ technology teacher and reading interventionist. I am a life long learner with a growth minds set and I want to pass this on to my students!

Ms. Holcom :

Teaching was always what I wanted to do. I remember at the end if each elementary school year teachers giving away the old and extra workbooks and my friends and I collecting them so we could play school all summer long.

I have happily been teaching 26 years. I started in the Denver area and moved to Montrose 21 years ago. I graduated from Metropolitan State College with a BA in Elementary Education, and received my MA from CU Denver with an emphasis in reading and writing education

Mrs. Cheezum

My husband and our 4 children moved to Montrose 5 years ago. This is my 6th year teaching. I just love Pomona and am so thankful to be a part of this community.

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