Mon. April 20


Measuring in Inches

Go to and type in the code below.

Walker/Chipman: CTWJE


Kennedy: TIXJB

After you have done your nearpod lesson, do pages 646, 647, & 648 in your math book. If you don't have one of the objects shown in the book, measure something you do have at home that is similar in size. When you are done, email your completed pages to your teacher.

Great to Do

Watch the video below to learn about our essential question and key vocabulary words for the week:

Wonder's Pages: Blue pages 1 & 2

Go to the scholastic news website by clicking on the picture below.

  1. Click login in the top right corner.

  2. Click "I am a student"

  3. Enter the password wold1

  4. Read the article and explore the videos/vocabulary

This is the World's Most Dangerous Cat

Outside Playtime (at LEAST 30 minutes each day)

Mrs. Wold's class:

Please do one episode on Headsprout

class code: wold1

Just for Fun