Excursion: Journey through Constantine on the occasion of 2nd-IWAM'2023.



On the occasion of the 2nd-IWAM'2023 we invite you to visit our town "Constantine". The City of Constantine in the northeast part of Algeria is one of the most picturesque cities in Northern Africa. Located on both sides of an almost 200 meter gorge that splits the city in two, this unique destination is one of the main tourist attractions in the country.



Program of Excursion:


1- Constantine Bridges : Visit to eight bridges : for exemple (Sidi M’Cid bridge,  Sidi Rached bridge, El-Kantara bridge, Mellah Slimane Footbridge, Salah Bey bridge, ...).

2- Emir Abdelkader Mosquée

3- Monument Aux Morts.

4- Palais d'Ahmed Bey.

5- University Constantine 1.



The participation fee of this excursion is 500 DA . This covers the:


a- Excursion with a coffee break.

b- Bus.

c- Enjoy traditional music.

d- Enjoy the stunning scenery and charming bridges.



The deadline for registration is 30th November, 2023.


If you are interested in attending this fun excursion, please complete the registration form here

https://docdro.id/cHfPBTP  and return it by: iwam2022@gmail.com