Journal 2

April 2-3


Listen to “All Summer in a Day” - or read it -

Use part of your journal today to respond in some way to this story. Then, you can continue writing however you choose for the remainder of your journal entry - either talking about your days/thoughts or writing something fictional.

It's like the rain; the kids would look out the windows and only see this rain that they wished wasn't there. When I look on social media, And when I watch the news all I see is this virus, When my mom comes home from work all I can picture is who she has been around. I never stop washing my hands because the only thing I think about is the virus. I want the rain to stop for good, I want the sun to shine once again.

A lot of people are reacting to the times we are going through in many different ways. Some may be trying to turn it into a positive thing, and some may be just digging themselves into a hole and becoming sad and depressed about the whole situation, and I honestly feel like everyone has felt a side of both. Some days it does feel like the rain will never end and that glimpse of sunlight has yet to come, and it’s okay for a lot of us to feel that way, but we all and even myself just needs to know that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, and that’s really how I have been trying to look at all of this going on.

Two weeks ago when school got canceled I decided I was done waiting to change my hair color. I went out and got blonde hair dye. Originally it came out really really light which wasn’t what I wanted. So on Saturday the 21st I went and got hair toner.

I wish in big situations people would just stay calm, do their research, and not be selfish, and I don’t even feel that’s an unreasonable expectation. But instead, some people would rather get all their news on Facebook and CNN rather than go to to get real, unbiased information. The numbers are changing daily and I think to properly prepare for things we just need to pay close attention to the information that isn’t from a website ending in .com.

Margot’s strong feeling for wanting the sun back is mine and everybody else's strong feeling for wanting things to go back to normal and to go back to school. I think every single person in this world is feeling the same thing at this point. Everyone is getting more depressed and sad day by day because all they want is for everything to go back to normal and wishing that this never happened.

Anyways I got another poem, roses are red, I like bread, I want to go to bed. That was an amazing poem, just give me a little to come up with another poem. What is cold and boring? This coronavirus. That was also a good joke. As you can see I’m slowly going insane, and I’m ready to go to school. What is your favorite animal? Mine is a rock, I’ve always thought the pet rock was the most revolutionary item in the world, I mean someone just found a way to sell rocks to people and they are all-natural.

This week I went fishing and wasn’t lucky enough to catch anything but getting outside was necessary due to the crippling feeling of dreadfulness which comes from being inside of your house and literally not being able to leave. Not to mention this same week Janet Mills, the dreadful lady who is keeping us inside, made a mandatory lockdown where we are not allowed to go to public areas unless they are outside and no groups more than 5 people. So with that in light I made it my mission to leave the house and still abide by those rules. I ended up just leaving my house and going to hannafords to get juice because that was a “necessity” for me. In reality I was just extremely bored and I couldn’t stand fortnite anymore.

I feel pretty discouraged and feel like this is going to even last longer then a month, and I miss being able to play sports or go to the gym. I also miss being able to interact with my friends and just go be out in public. Those are the little things that most people don’t appreciate and take for granted. Being able to just leave the house to go to the grocery store has never been something I have been excited for but in these times it was something I looked forward to but due to the whole state shutting down I can’t even leave my house for those purposes.