My Friendship Life_

So Before I Start, This Writeups Is About Me (NatureDash) And Not About MLP Characters, The Picture Is Added Just To Give An Effect.

Don't Judge Me, Before You Read Fully.

__School Life, Experience__

People always ask me, why are you always alone? Why don't you spent time with friends?

But honestly i really don't have friends. It was like some people who really made effort to talk to me, but honestly i really suck at talking back. It goes well for a while, where i trust them too much and tell too much about me or ignore them coz of trust issues.

Every time when i get a new friend, i fall into problems and then we'll have a fight. And in the end it's only me alone always. But sometimes i try to realize what's wrong, and realise what made that problem, and i always go back to them. But it will be too late. They will be so happy, With another new friends. So I just move on back alone. But even if i say sorry, They move on and the energy of our friendship will almost be killed.

That's what happened to me and & Everyone Who Was once Friends With Me.

It's All Gone And I'm all Alone Again..

Anyway Being Alone Makes Me Feel Better These Days. It Gave Me Time To Analyze My Mistakes & Realise Who I Really Am!

Every time When I Enter A Group, I Go Invisible, Like I Don't Talk Much Coz I'm An Introvert & Yeah, Hence  I'm Forgotten. I Really Had A Hard Time Getting Into A Group And Found Super 5!.

What Friendship Really Means To Me?

I Don't trust people, coz IRL they only come when they need help!. And i got Hurt so many times.

I Really Love helping people, but still hanging out with them without getting to know each other!?.

According To Me, Best Friend is someone who i trust the most, who i can share anything without getting judged. Even after fight we get together. No energy loss, Same energy and excitement as how our friendship started. Even if i or her/him dous any mistake we must help each other and help them rectify. Good Vibed, Positive Attitude, Kindness & A Mind To Help To The One In Need + To Apearciate & Respect People With Disabilities...

That's what i meant by Best Friends....

Coz These Days Even If Someone Is Doning A Mistake. People Never Try To Explain Them That It's Wrong. Instead They Take It As An Example And Follow Up! This Isn't A Cycle! Something Wrong Is Always Wrong. Playing With People's Feeling. IDK What Happiness You People Get From It. Huuh, Some People Even Laugh, If Someone Asks Help Overcoming Their Insecurities. Come onn They're Someone Who Needs Help! Why Don't You Help Them Recover Soon, Insted Pulling Them Down & Making Fun? What Happiness You're Gonna Get?.

Keep In Mind. If You Respect Others You Get It Back....


I Love it.

I'll Shine with it.


Super Five. & Our Memories 💚


I'll Never Forget  You Guys... 

Thanks For Spending Your Time In Here... Seya Again In A New Page💚...

Seya - See You

Last Update on 18/06/2024