This page provides written & video instructions for the 26 main Shotokan katas. It has information on Shotokan kihon katas. In addition, this section explores the meaning of each Shotokan Karate kata because many Shotokan schools question their students about these kata meanings during belt tests. For information on the katas of other Karate styles (i.e. Wado-Ryu katas or Kyokushin katas), please visit the main Black Belt Wiki section on Katas & Forms.

Below you will find a list of all of the katas that are taught in the classical Shotokan Karate system. I have made a point of specifying the location of the various kiai points, and some of the techniques that are first introduced. Also the number of movements in the kata, as well as the approximate time in which each of the katas should be performed.

26 Shotokan Katas Free Download

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I recognize that Taikyoku Shodan, Taikyoku Nidan, and Taikyoku Sandan, are not taught at every Shotokan dojo. However, I have listed them here since all three of these katas are referenced by Master Gichin Funakoshi in his book, Karate-Do Kyohan. It is important for students to remember as they rise up through the various kyu levels, and Dan ranks, that regular practice of all of the katas are vital to their future progress.

Also, my thanks go to Shihan Scot Mertz, Chief Instructor of the World Shotokai Federation, for allowing me to transfer all the photographs of the various Shotokan katas, and their embusen from his web site.

There is a belief that the movements in the Heian katas were developed from a more advanced kata, Kanku Dai. Some sources say that Master Ank Itosu thought Kusanku or Kanku Dai was very long and consisted of many moves difficult for a new karateka. He, therefore, divided the kata into 5 Heian katas to gradually introduce them to beginners.

This is one of the most acrobatic katas in Shotokan characterized by two jumping techniques, which are quite challenging to perform. The first jump resembles that of Empi, but is performed on the spot, while the second jump (jumping spinning crescent kick) is the same as the one in Unsu.

Jitte kata is a very special and unique kata amongst the 26 Shotokan katas and was created by Matsumora Kosaku sensei. It constitutes complex movements that many karatekas find challenging to master and understand.

Chinte consists of several unique and barely seen hand techniques. It introduces the application of nihon nukite, nakadaka ippon ken, hasami zuki, tate zuki, and tate mawashi uchi. This kata has yori ashi (three small hops) towards the end, which deviates it from all other Shotokan katas.

Hi, I'm a shodan in shotokan karate, and would like to start learning the new katas for the nidan. The katas I will need to master are: Bassai Sho, Kanku Sho and Tekki Nidan. Which one should I start with?

Within our karate membership site we have lots of shotokan video tutorials and articles, covering every aspect of Shotokan karate, to help your karate get better. We even have an instructor training program and live zoom classes, plus! we continue to add more content every week. Oss!

Hello, I know that Shotokan and Wado-ryu share a couple of katas. As their moves are a bit different, I like to know if Wado-ryu is preserving the katas as they were in Shotokan when Otsuka left Funakoshi about 1928, or if he developed the katas further, or maybe both, or if he even took older (Shotokan) versions or versions from Mabuni (so maybe they are not Shotokan based katas after all).

Originally known in Okinawa as Naihanchi, the katas were renamed by Master Funakoshi upon its introduction to Japan to reflect the strength exhibited with kiba-dachi. Rich in fighting techniques, the Tekki family offers a plethora of close combat techniques.

If you are interested in learning the 27 katas of Shotokan Karate, you might want to download a PDF file that contains all the instructions and diagrams for each kata. A kata is a sequence of movements that simulates a fight against imaginary opponents. Katas are used to practice and improve various aspects of karate, such as technique, speed, power, balance, and coordination.

One of the sources where you can find a free PDF file of 27 katas for Shotokan Karate is the Internet Archive. The Internet Archive is a non-profit library that offers millions of free books, movies, music, and other digital content. You can access the PDF file of 27 katas for Shotokan Karate by following these steps:

By following these tips, you can make the most out of the PDF file of 27 katas for Shotokan Karate and improve your karate skills. Remember that katas are not only a physical exercise, but also a mental and spiritual one. They can help you develop discipline, concentration, awareness, and harmony.

In conclusion, the PDF file of 27 katas for Shotokan Karate is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn and practice the katas of this style of karate. It contains detailed instructions and diagrams for each kata, as well as tips on how to use it effectively. You can download it for free from the Internet Archive and enjoy learning and practicing the katas at your own pace and convenience. The katas of Shotokan Karate can help you improve your technique, speed, power, balance, and coordination, as well as your discipline, concentration, awareness, and harmony. They are a great way to enhance your karate skills and experience.

The dj kun lists five philosophical rules for training in the dojo: seek perfection of character, be faithful, endeavor to excel, respect others, and refrain from violent behaviour. These rules are called the Five Maxims of Karate.[9] The dj kun is usually posted on a wall in the dojo, and some shotokan clubs recite the dj kun at the beginning and/or end of each class to provide motivation and a context for further training.

But not really in studying the bunkai of the katas. So I blieve that Choi probably only knew a superficial level of understanding of the katas, how to perfrom them but not really what they could mean.

Hi Nate. The Karate vs Taekwondo version of the double knife hand block is a little tricky. In Bill Burgars book 5 years one kata he gives an application for both the "modern" style wich you call the japanese version and what he calls Shotokans old school/old way of doing the same block. The shotokan old way of doing the block is done like we do in Taekwondo today with both hands starting from behind the performer or at least first part of the block consists of moving both hands behind the performer before doing the actual block. I have been shown and taught the application for the taekwondo style as a hip throw (you grab your opponent with both hands and then turn 180 degrees bending at your waist slightly and throw him with the blocking motion.)

As a side note you can see both methods of blocking in old shotokan kata videos on youtube. In Kata with two knife hand blocks done after one another the first one is done "Taekwondo style" and the second one is done modern japanese style. Look for the black and white kata videos (E.g Heian Kata).

It is important for every student to remember that as they rise up through the various kyu levels and Dan ranks, the continued regular practice of all of the previous katas that they have been taught is vital to their future progress. 2351a5e196

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