Furnace Maintenance Edmonton

About Us

24 Hour Furnace Repair is your go-to service for top-notch furnace maintenance in Edmonton, Alberta. Our crew of expert technicians brings unparalleled skill to the table, swiftly and efficiently tackling a variety of furnace problems. We believe in clear communication, ensuring you're fully informed about the state of your furnace and any required fixes. Plus, our focus on competitive pricing and energy-efficient solutions means you'll enjoy savings over time. Opt for us for reliable furnace maintenance and see the exceptional difference firsthand.

The Ultimate Guide to Furnace Maintenance


Hey there! If you're like most people, your furnace might be one of those 'out of sight, out of mind' things. But let’s face it, when the chill hits, it’s our unsung hero. So, how do you keep this vital part of your home running smoothly? That’s where this ultimate guide to furnace maintenance comes in. Let’s dive in!

Why Furnace Maintenance is a Big Deal

Think of your furnace as a trusty car. You wouldn’t skip oil changes, right? Regular maintenance for your furnace is just as crucial. It keeps things running efficiently, saves you money on energy bills, and, most importantly, keeps you and your family safe.

Getting to Know Your Furnace

Types of Furnaces

First things first, know what you’re dealing with. Whether it’s gas, electric, or oil, each type of furnace has its own maintenance needs. It’s like knowing whether you’re driving a sports car or an SUV – the basics might be the same, but the details matter.

DIY Maintenance: What You Can Do

Filter Replacement: The Breath of Your Furnace

Changing the filter is like giving your furnace a fresh pair of lungs. A clogged filter makes your furnace work harder, which can lead to problems. Aim to change it every three months or so.

Keeping It Clean

Dust and debris around your furnace? Not good. Keep the area around your furnace clean. It’s like keeping weeds out of your garden – it just helps everything work better.

Eye and Ear Inspection

Listen for strange noises and look for unusual signs like soot. It’s like listening for odd noises in your car – if something sounds off, it probably is.

When to Call in the Pros

Annual Check-Ups

Just like a yearly doctor’s visit, your furnace needs professional attention once a year. This is when a trained technician can do a deep dive and catch any issues.

Spotting Bigger Issues

If your furnace is making strange noises, not heating properly, or your energy bills are skyrocketing, call in a professional. It’s like when your car’s check engine light comes on – don’t ignore it.

Understanding Professional Furnace Maintenance

What Technicians Do

A professional technician will do a thorough inspection, clean parts that you can’t, check the electrical components, and make sure everything is running safely and efficiently. It’s like a comprehensive health check for your furnace.

The Importance of Regular Professional Maintenance

Regular check-ups can catch problems before they become big, expensive ones. It’s like catching a small leak before it turns into a flood.

Energy Efficiency and Your Furnace

Upgrading Your Furnace

Sometimes, the best maintenance is an upgrade. If your furnace is old and inefficient, getting a new, energy-efficient model can be a game-changer. It’s like trading in a gas-guzzler for a fuel-efficient car.

Smart Thermostats

Consider a smart thermostat. It’s like having a personal assistant for your furnace, ensuring it’s only working when it needs to.

Safety First

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector in your home. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer, and a well-maintained furnace, along with a detector, is your first line of defense.

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections ensure your furnace isn’t just running efficiently but also safely. It’s like making sure the brakes on your car are always in top working condition.

Saving Money with Furnace Maintenance

Long-Term Savings

While there’s a cost to regular maintenance, think of it as an investment. A well-maintained furnace runs more efficiently and lasts longer, saving you money in the long run.

DIY vs Professional Maintenance: Striking a Balance

Do what you can on your own, but know when to call in the pros. It’s a bit like basic car maintenance – you can wash it and check the oil, but leave the big stuff to the mechanics.


Taking care of your furnace might not be the most exciting thing on your to-do list, but it’s definitely one of the most important. Regular maintenance, both DIY and professional, ensures your furnace runs efficiently, saves you money, and keeps your home safe and warm. So, keep these tips in mind, and you can rest easy knowing your furnace is in tip-top shape. Stay warm and safe, and happy furnace maintaining!

Your Essential Guide to Furnace Care: Warmth, Savings, and Efficiency

Introduction: Embracing Your Home's Heating Hero 

Think of your furnace as the quiet guardian of your cozy winters. Just like any hero, it needs a little TLC to keep performing at its best. In this guide, we'll walk you through easy yet essential steps for furnace maintenance. Don't worry, it's simpler than you think. With these handy tips, you can keep your furnace running smoothly, saving you some cash and ensuring comfort during the winter.

Furnace Maintenance Fundamentals 

Before we delve deeper, let's grasp why maintaining your furnace is as crucial as that morning cup of coffee. 

The Importance of Regular Check-Ups

Just like going for a regular health check-up, furnace maintenance is vital for its health and longevity. Regular maintenance helps prevent unexpected breakdowns, improves efficiency, and ensures your home stays cozy and safe.

DIY Furnace Care: You Can Do It! 

You don’t need a toolbox full of gadgets to handle some basic furnace tuneup. Let’s see what you can manage on your own. 

Changing the Furnace Filter 

Your furnace filter is akin to the lungs of your heating system, trapping all the pesky dust. When it's clogged, efficiency takes a hit.

De-cluttering Around the Furnace 

A cluttered furnace area is like running a race with hurdles. Keep it tidy and hazard-free.

Vents: Your Furnace’s Breathing Space 

Clogged vents can choke your furnace’s efficiency, much like a blocked straw in your favorite drink.

Professional Touch: The Furnace Doctor Visit 

While DIY is great, sometimes you need a pro – think of it as a regular health checkup for your furnace. 

Annual Furnace Tune-Up: A Necessity 

It’s important to have a professional look at your furnace once a year.

Benefits of a Professional Eye

Troubleshooting Common Furnace Issues 

Now, let’s address some frequent furnace hiccups and their solutions. 

The Cold Air Conundrum 

A furnace blowing cold air is like a fridge that’s warm – it just doesn’t make sense.

The Restless Furnace Syndrome 

If your furnace is repeatedly turning on and off, it’s time for a quick investigation.

Weird Noises: Silence the Spooks 

Odd sounds from your furnace can be unsettling.

Pilot Light Flickers 

A flickering pilot light is like a weak heartbeat – it needs attention.

The Uneven Heating Dilemma 

Inconsistent heating is like wearing one snow boot and one sandal – uncomfortable and imbalanced.

Conclusion: Your Furnace, Your Comfort 

Taking care of your furnace is like nurturing a plant – a bit of effort goes a long way. With these maintenance tips, you can enhance its efficiency, prolong its life, and save on energy costs. So, treat your furnace well, and it will keep you snug and warm, even on the frostiest of days.

What Does a Furnace Maintenance Appointment Include?


So, you've scheduled a furnace maintenance appointment and might be wondering, "What exactly are they going to do to my furnace?" Think of it like taking your car in for a tune-up; there's a checklist of things to go over to ensure it's running smoothly. Let’s break down what happens during a furnace maintenance appointment.

Why Bother with Furnace Maintenance? 

Imagine your furnace as a trusty vehicle – regular tune-ups are crucial for smooth operation. Here’s what routine maintenance offers:

What to Expect During Your Appointment

Initial Inspection

Your technician will start with a thorough furnace inspection. They’ll check for any visible signs of wear and tear, just like a doctor checks for anything out of the ordinary during a physical exam.

Cleaning Crucial Parts

Over time, your furnace collects dust and debris. The technician will clean vital parts like the burner, flame sensor, and blower motor. Imagine it as giving your furnace a deep cleanse facial.

Replacing the Filter

One of the simplest yet most crucial steps is replacing the furnace filter. It's akin to changing the oil filter in your car; a clean filter means better performance and efficiency.

Checking the Thermostat

The technician will check the thermostat to ensure it communicates correctly with the furnace. It’s like making sure the conductor and the orchestra are in sync.

The Nitty-Gritty of Furnace Maintenance

Inspecting the Heat Exchanger

This component is crucial for your safety, as cracks can lead to carbon monoxide leaks. It’s like checking the brakes in your car – absolutely essential for safety.

Examining the Electrical Components

Furnaces have various electrical components, and loose or faulty wiring can be a fire hazard. The technician will make sure everything is shipshape, similar to an electrician checking your home’s wiring.

Testing Safety Controls

Safety controls are your furnace's guardians. The technician will test them to ensure they’re operating correctly – think of it as testing the smoke alarms in your house.

Checking for Gas Leaks

If you have a gas furnace, checking for leaks is a critical safety step. It's like ensuring there's no gas leak in your kitchen.

Evaluating the Vent System and Air Intake Grilles

The technician will check these for blockages, ensuring your furnace breathes and exhausts properly. It’s like making sure your car’s air intake and exhaust are not clogged.

Assessing the Blower

The blower is responsible for circulating warm air throughout your home. The technician will ensure it’s working correctly, similar to checking the fans in your computer.

What You Can Do Post-Appointment

Keeping an Eye Out

After the technician leaves, keep an eye and ear out for any unusual noises or behaviors from your furnace. It’s like listening for odd noises in your car after a service.

Regular Filter Changes

Continue to change your furnace filter regularly. It’s one of the easiest ways to maintain efficiency and prolong the life of your furnace.

Scheduling Regular Maintenance

Remember, regular maintenance is key. It’s like regularly updating software on your phone – it keeps things running smoothly.


In conclusion, a furnace maintenance appointment is a thorough check-up of your heating system. It ensures everything is clean, running efficiently, and most importantly, safe. Regular maintenance is essential for prolonging the life of your furnace, keeping energy costs down, and ensuring your home stays warm and safe. So, the next time your technician comes by, you’ll know exactly what they’re doing and why it’s so important.

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