24 Hour Furnace Repair Strathcona, AB

About Us

24 Hour Furnace Repair is the top-rated furnace service in Strathcona, acclaimed for exceptional service quality. With full certification, insurance, and bonding, our commitment is to your total satisfaction. We won't rest until we see a smile on your face!

We offer dependable, efficient, and professional heating solutions to the local community. Our service involves a detailed examination of your heating system, clear communication regarding any problems, and a precise, reasonable quote for required repairs. Our fully equipped service vehicles enable us to carry out swift and effective repairs. Additionally, our team of expert technicians, all insured and highly trained, are adept at fixing a wide range of furnace makes and models. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we consider our job incomplete until you are fully content with our work.

The Friendly Guide to Understanding Furnaces


Hello there! Are you trying to wrap your head around the whole furnace thing? Whether you're a new homeowner or just looking to understand your heating system better, this guide is like your friendly neighbor who knows a thing or two about furnaces. Let's dive in!

What is a Furnace and Why Do You Need One?

A furnace, simply put, is the heart of your home's heating system. Think of it as a cozy campfire, but inside your house and much safer. It heats air and distributes it throughout your home, keeping you warm and toasty during those chilly months.

The Different Types of Furnaces

How Do Furnaces Work?

Imagine a furnace as a big tea kettle, but instead of heating water, it heats air. The process involves a burner or heating element, a heat exchanger, a blower, and ductwork to distribute the warm air.

The Heating Cycle

Choosing the Right Furnace for Your Home

It's like picking the right outfit for a day out – it needs to fit just right and be suitable for the weather (or in this case, your home).

Considerations for Choosing a Furnace

Installation: Getting It Set Up

Installing a furnace isn’t a DIY job – it’s like performing surgery. You need a professional who knows the ins and outs.

Why Professional Installation Matters

A good installation sets the tone for your furnace’s life. Proper setup can mean fewer headaches down the road.

Maintenance: Keeping Your Furnace Happy

Your furnace is like a car; it needs regular check-ups to run smoothly.

Regular Maintenance Tips

Understanding Furnace Efficiency

Efficiency in a furnace is like miles per gallon in a car – the higher, the better. Modern furnaces boast impressive AFUE ratings, meaning more heat for less money.

High-Efficiency Furnaces

These are the hybrid cars of the furnace world. They cost more upfront but save you money in the long run.

Safety and Your Furnace

Safety first! A furnace is like a mini-fireplace; it needs to be treated with respect.

Key Safety Tips

Troubleshooting Common Furnace Problems

Sometimes, furnaces act up. It’s like when your computer freezes – sometimes a simple reboot (or filter change) can fix it.

What to Do If Your Furnace Isn’t Working

Upgrading or Replacing Your Furnace

All good things come to an end, and sometimes that means saying goodbye to your old furnace. When it's time for an upgrade, remember all the lessons from your first buying experience.

When to Consider a New Furnace


Navigating the world of furnaces doesn't have to be daunting. Like a good friend, your furnace is there to keep you warm and comfortable. By understanding the basics, choosing the right one, ensuring proper installation and maintenance, and being safety-conscious, you’ll not only extend the life of your furnace but also enjoy a cozy, warm home. Remember, a little knowledge and regular care can go a long way.

Furnaces vs Boilers: Weighing Your Heating Options


Hey there! Are you caught in the furnace vs. boiler dilemma for your home heating? It's like choosing between coffee or tea for your morning routine. Both have their perks, but what works best for you? Let's break down the pros and cons of furnaces and boilers to make your decision easier.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the pros and cons, let's get a quick overview. A furnace heats air and distributes it throughout your home via ducts – think of it as a warm breeze blowing through your house. A boiler, on the other hand, heats water and sends it through pipes to radiators or underfloor systems – like a cozy, warm blanket enveloping each room.

Furnaces: The Pros and Cons

Furnaces are like the popular kids in school - well-known and widely used. But are they the right fit for you?



Boilers: The Pros and Cons

Boilers might be less common, but they’re like the unsung heroes of home heating. What makes them stand out?



Energy Efficiency: A Key Consideration

In the world of heating, efficiency is king. Modern furnaces can be highly efficient, with some models reaching over 95% efficiency. Boilers also have high-efficiency options. It’s like choosing between an electric car and a hybrid – both are eco-friendly, but in different ways.

Space and Installation

Space can be a deciding factor. Furnaces, with their ductwork, are like a sprawling estate – they need more room. Boilers are more like a cozy condo, compact and efficient in space usage.

The Noise Factor

Noise sensitivity can be a big deal for some. Furnaces can be noisy, like a bustling city street, while boilers are often quieter, akin to a peaceful countryside.

Maintenance and Repairs

When it comes to upkeep, think of furnaces as low-maintenance houseplants and boilers as a bit more demanding, like a vegetable garden. Both need care, but in different ways and frequencies.

Suitability for Your Home

Your home’s existing setup might tip the scales. If you already have ductwork, a furnace might be more practical. No ducts? A boiler could be the way to go.

The Long-Term Perspective

In the long run, durability matters. Boilers generally last longer than furnaces. It’s like the difference between a durable leather couch and a trendy fabric sofa – one might outlast the other.


Choosing between a furnace and a boiler is a significant decision, like picking the right car for a cross-country road trip. Both have their advantages and drawbacks. Furnaces offer quick heating and lower installation costs but can come with air quality concerns. Boilers provide even, comfortable heat and better air quality but at a higher initial cost and maintenance requirements. Consider your home’s needs, budget, and preferences. Whatever you choose, make sure it aligns with your comfort, lifestyle, and long-term home goals. Happy heating!

Are Energy-Efficient Furnaces Worth It? Your Guide to Smart Heating


So, you're thinking about getting an energy-efficient furnace but are wondering if it's worth the hype? It's a bit like opting for a hybrid car over a traditional one. You know it's good for the environment, but what about your wallet? Let's unpack this and see if an energy-efficient furnace is a smart choice for your home.

What is an Energy-Efficient Furnace?

First off, what do we mean by "energy-efficient"? Think of it like a star athlete: it does more with less. An energy-efficient furnace uses less fuel to generate the same amount of heat as its less efficient counterparts. It's all about maximizing output while minimizing input.

How Efficiency is Measured

Efficiency in furnaces is measured by Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). Imagine AFUE as the fuel efficiency of your car – the higher the number, the more bang you get for your buck.

The Pros of Energy-Efficient Furnaces

Let's look at the sunny side first. What are the benefits of going efficient?

Reduced Energy Bills

It's the most obvious perk. An energy-efficient furnace is like a thrifty spender – it uses less energy to get the job done, which can lead to significant savings on your energy bills.

Environmentally Friendly

Reduced energy consumption means a smaller carbon footprint. It's like choosing paper bags over plastic – a small change for you, a big win for the planet.

Enhanced Comfort

These furnaces often come with better control over temperature and humidity levels, leading to a more comfortable living environment. It's akin to having a tailored suit instead of an off-the-rack one – customized comfort!

Potential Tax Credits and Rebates

In some areas, you might get financial incentives like rebates or tax credits for installing an energy-efficient furnace. It’s like getting a pat on the back (and some cash in your pocket) for making a smart choice.

The Cons of Energy-Efficient Furnaces

Now, let's be real and look at the other side of the coin.

Higher Initial Costs

Energy-efficient models often come with a higher price tag. It's an investment, like paying a bit more for a quality appliance that lasts longer and works better.

Complex Installation

Sometimes, upgrading to a more efficient model can mean a more complicated installation process. It’s like needing a bit more work to fit that high-end sound system in your car.

Long-Term Savings: Doing the Math

Let's talk numbers. How long does it take for the savings to outweigh the costs? It’s like a puzzle, balancing the upfront costs against the long-term savings on your energy bills.

Factors Affecting Savings

Maintenance and Durability

Maintenance is key, regardless of efficiency. Energy-efficient furnaces can be more complex, but with proper care, they can be just as durable as traditional models. It’s like owning a high-performance car – with the right maintenance, it runs smoothly for years.

Considering Your Home's Needs

Every home is unique. The efficiency that works for a cozy bungalow might not suit a sprawling mansion. It’s about finding the sweet spot for your specific needs.

Assessing Your Home

The Impact on Home Value

Think about the future. An energy-efficient furnace can be a selling point, much like a renovated kitchen or a new roof. It’s an investment in your home’s value.


So, are energy-efficient furnaces worth it? It boils down to your personal circumstances – your home, your climate, and your financial situation. Like choosing between a gourmet meal and a fast-food burger, both will feed you, but one offers a healthier, more satisfying experience in the long run. If you’re looking for long-term savings, environmental benefits, and enhanced comfort, and are willing to invest upfront, an energy-efficient furnace could be a wise choice. Remember, it's not just about today's comfort, but also about tomorrow's savings and the health of our planet. Choose wisely!

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