24 Hour Furnace Repair in Beverly, AB

About Us

As Beverly's premier furnace repair and maintenance service, we are recognized for our exceptional service quality. Our fully certified, insured, and bonded status underscores our dedication to achieving your total satisfaction. Our mission is not complete until we have brought a smile to your face.

We provide reliable, efficient, and professional heating solutions tailored to the needs of our local community. Our approach includes a comprehensive evaluation of your heating system, transparent communication about any issues encountered, and a fair, detailed quote for the necessary repairs. Thanks to our fully equipped service vehicles, we are poised for quick and effective repair interventions. Our team, comprised of highly trained and insured expert technicians, excels in repairing a vast array of furnace brands and models. Ensuring your comfort and satisfaction remains our highest priority, and we do not consider our job done until you are entirely satisfied with the results of our work.

How to Choose the Right Furnace for Your Home


Hey there! Are you in the market for a new furnace but feeling overwhelmed by the choices? Choosing the right furnace is a lot like finding the perfect pair of shoes – it needs to fit just right. Let's walk through the steps to find the ideal furnace for your home.

Understanding Furnace Basics

Before diving into the specifics, let's cover some basics. A furnace is like the heart of your home's heating system, pumping warmth throughout your space. There are mainly two types – gas and electric. Gas furnaces burn natural gas to produce heat, while electric furnaces use heating elements.

Gas vs. Electric: The Big Decision

Assessing Your Home's Needs

Choosing the right furnace size is crucial. It's like picking a backpack – too small, and it won't fit all your stuff; too big, and it's unnecessarily bulky.

Size Matters

A furnace that's too large will cycle on and off too often, wasting energy. Too small, and it'll struggle to keep your home warm. A professional can help you calculate the right size based on your home's square footage, climate, and insulation.

Efficiency: The Name of the Game

Efficiency in a furnace is measured by the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating. It's like a car's MPG – the higher the AFUE, the more heat you get per dollar spent on fuel.

High-Efficiency Furnaces

These furnaces have an AFUE rating of 90% or more. They're like premium running shoes – more expensive upfront but better performance in the long run.

Budget Considerations

Your budget plays a significant role in choosing a furnace. It's a balance – like dining out. You want the best meal without breaking the bank.

Upfront Cost vs. Long-Term Savings

While high-efficiency furnaces cost more upfront, they can save you money on energy bills in the long term. It's like investing in quality kitchenware – saves money on takeout in the long run.

Installation and Maintenance

Installing a furnace isn't a DIY job – think of it as more like surgery than a home craft project. Professional installation ensures safety and efficiency.

The Importance of Professional Installation

A licensed technician will not only install your furnace but also make sure it's running efficiently and safely. It's like having a personal trainer – they set you up for success from the start.

Additional Features to Consider

Modern furnaces come with various features that can enhance comfort and efficiency.

Programmable Thermostats

This feature is like having a smart assistant for your home's heating. It adjusts the temperature based on your schedule, potentially saving energy and money.

Variable Speed Motors

These motors adjust airflow for better efficiency and comfort. Think of it like cruise control for your car – it provides a smoother, more efficient ride.

Safety First

Safety is paramount when it comes to furnaces. Modern units come equipped with safety features like automatic shut-off to prevent overheating.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

These are a must-have when you have a gas furnace. It's like having a smoke alarm – an essential safety tool.

The Environmental Impact

Choosing an energy-efficient furnace isn't just good for your wallet; it's also better for the environment. It's like choosing reusable grocery bags over plastic – a small step towards a healthier planet.

Energy-efficient furnaces are a significant leap forward in reducing the environmental impact of home heating. Like switching from a gas-guzzling old car to a modern hybrid, these furnaces consume less fuel, resulting in lower carbon emissions. The key lies in their higher Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) ratings – a measure akin to miles per gallon in vehicles. With higher AFUE ratings, more of the fuel is converted into usable heat, meaning less wastage and fewer greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

Furthermore, energy-efficient furnaces often incorporate advanced technologies such as variable speed fans and modulating gas valves. These features not only enhance efficiency but also minimize the 'on-and-off' cycling, leading to a more sustainable use of resources. It's like having a smart irrigation system in a garden, using water only when needed and precisely where it's needed.

Additionally, by reducing the overall fuel consumption, these furnaces diminish our reliance on fossil fuels. This shift is critical in the broader context of combating climate change, as fossil fuel extraction and consumption are major contributors to global warming. Thus, energy-efficient furnaces play a pivotal role in our journey towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future in home heating.


Selecting the right furnace for your home doesn't have to be a daunting task. Just like finding the right recipe for a special dinner, it requires a bit of research and understanding of your needs. Consider the type of furnace, size, efficiency, budget, and additional features. Remember, a good furnace is an investment in your home's comfort and safety. So, take your time, weigh your options, and you'll be well on your way to a cozy, warm home. Happy furnace hunting!

Furnace vs Heat Pump: Which Heating Solution is Right for You?


Hey there! Are you in a bit of a pickle trying to decide between a furnace and a heat pump for your home? It's like choosing between a classic burger and a fancy new-age sandwich – both can satisfy your hunger, but in different ways. Let's dive into the world of furnaces and heat pumps to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding the Basics

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let's lay down the basics. A furnace is like a traditional oven, generating heat and distributing it throughout your home. A heat pump, on the other hand, works more like a reversible refrigerator, transferring heat from one place to another.

Furnace Fundamentals

Heat Pump Highlights

Performance in Cold Weather

When the temperature drops, how do these two contenders hold up? It's like comparing a snow boot to an all-season shoe.

Furnaces in the Cold

Heat Pumps in the Cold

Cost Comparison

Money matters, and when it comes to heating solutions, it's like weighing a big purchase versus ongoing expenses.

Furnace Costs

Heat Pump Costs

Environmental Impact

If you're eco-conscious, this is like choosing between a gas-guzzler and an electric car.

Furnace and the Environment

Heat Pump and the Environment

Lifespan and Maintenance

Think of this as the difference between owning a classic car versus a modern hybrid.

Furnace Lifespan and Maintenance

Heat Pump Lifespan and Maintenance

Heating and Cooling Needs

Are you looking for a one-trick pony or a multitasker?

Furnace for Heating

Heat Pump for Heating and Cooling

Noise Levels

Nobody likes a noisy housemate, right?

Furnace Noise

Heat Pump Noise


Choosing between a furnace and a heat pump is like deciding between a reliable old friend and a new, versatile acquaintance. Furnaces are great for those bone-chilling winters, offering robust heating at a lower installation cost. Heat pumps, meanwhile, shine with their energy efficiency, eco-friendliness, and ability to both heat and cool your home. Your choice will depend on your climate, budget, environmental priorities, and whether you need a cooling function. Whichever route you choose, make sure it aligns with your home’s needs and your personal preferences. Here's to a warm and cozy home, no matter what you decide!

All About Smart Heating: Revolutionizing Home Comfort


Hey there! Have you heard about smart heating and wondered what all the fuss is about? It’s like having a genie for your home’s climate – magical and incredibly convenient. Let’s dive into the world of smart heating and discover how it can transform your home.

What is Smart Heating?

Smart heating systems are like the smartphones of home heating. They allow you to control your home’s temperature remotely and intelligently, often through an app on your phone or tablet.

The Core Components

Why Go Smart with Your Heating?

Switching to smart heating is like upgrading from a flip phone to the latest smartphone. But what makes it so special?

Energy Efficiency

Smart heating systems are incredibly efficient. They learn your schedule and heat your home only when needed, much like a thoughtful roommate who turns off lights when they’re not needed.


Imagine adjusting your home’s temperature from anywhere, at any time. Stuck at work late? Delay the heating so you’re not warming an empty house.

Cost Savings

With improved efficiency comes cost savings. It’s like carpooling to work instead of driving alone – you’re going further on less fuel.

How Does Smart Heating Work?

Smart heating is all about automation and intelligent control. It uses sensors and algorithms to learn your habits and preferences, optimizing your home’s temperature in the most efficient way possible.

The Role of AI and Machine Learning

These systems get smarter over time, learning from your behaviors and even considering weather forecasts. It's like having a personal assistant who knows you inside out.

Installation and Setup

Getting smart heating installed is a bit like setting up a new gadget. It might seem daunting, but it’s usually straightforward.

DIY vs. Professional Installation

Some systems are designed for DIY installation, while others may require a professional. Consider your comfort level with technology before diving in.

The Best Smart Heating Systems

There’s a variety of smart heating systems out there. Choosing the right one is like picking the right car – it needs to fit your lifestyle and needs.

Top Picks

Compatibility with Your Current System

Before taking the plunge, ensure that the smart heating system you choose is compatible with your existing heating setup. It’s like making sure a new software runs on your old computer.

Factors to Consider

Smart Heating and the Environment

Smart heating isn’t just good for your wallet; it’s also good for the planet. By using less energy, you’re reducing your carbon footprint – it's like opting for a bike ride instead of a car journey.

Potential Drawbacks

While smart heating sounds amazing, it’s important to consider potential downsides.

Initial Cost

The upfront cost can be higher than traditional thermostats. It’s an investment, much like buying a quality appliance that lasts longer.

Dependence on Technology

As with any smart device, there’s a reliance on technology and connectivity. If your Wi-Fi goes down, so might your ability to control your heating remotely.

User Experience

Using smart heating should be as easy and intuitive as using your favorite app. Look for systems with user-friendly interfaces and good customer support.


Smart heating is revolutionizing how we heat our homes. It offers unparalleled convenience, efficiency, and control, much like how smartphones transformed communication. Whether you’re tech-savvy or just looking for a way to cut down on energy bills, smart heating systems provide a versatile and eco-friendly solution. As with any technology, it’s about finding the right fit for your lifestyle and embracing the future of home comfort. So why not make the switch and experience the magic of smart heating for yourself?

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