24 Hour Furnace Repair in Stony Plain

About Us

24 Hour Furnace Repair is recognized as a top provider of furnace repair, maintenance, and installation services in Stony Plain, Alberta, celebrated for its exceptional quality of service. Our team is fully certified, insured, and bonded, and our overriding goal is your total satisfaction. We're committed to leaving you delighted with our service!

Our aim is to offer dependable, efficient, and professional heating solutions to our community. We conduct comprehensive inspections of heating systems, maintain open and honest communication about any issues, and provide accurate and fair estimates for any needed repairs. Our service vehicles are well-equipped, enabling us to perform repairs quickly and effectively. Our team, comprised of highly trained and insured technicians, specializes in a broad range of furnace types and models. Ensuring your comfort and happiness is our top priority, and we don’t consider the job done until you are completely pleased with our service.

What is Considered a Furnace Emergency?


Hey there! Ever found yourself wondering, “Is this a furnace glitch or an emergency?” It’s like hearing a strange noise in your car; you need to know whether to call the mechanic ASAP or if it can wait. Let’s dive into what makes a furnace issue an outright emergency, so you're not left in the cold, figuratively and literally!

Understanding Furnace Emergencies

The Basics of Furnace Safety

Your furnace is like a loyal pet; it keeps you warm and comfy. But, just like a pet, it needs care, and sometimes, it acts out, signaling for immediate attention.

The Red Flags: When to Sound the Alarm

The Silent Killer: Carbon Monoxide

If your carbon monoxide detector goes off or you notice the furnace flame is yellow instead of blue, it’s an emergency. Carbon monoxide is the invisible, odorless threat in the room. It’s like a stealthy intruder – you won’t know it’s there until it’s dangerous.

Gas Leaks: The Scent of Danger

Smelling gas around your furnace? This is as urgent as smelling smoke. Gas leaks can lead to catastrophic events. Treat it like a fire – evacuate and call for help immediately.

No Heat: More Than an Inconvenience

In the dead of winter, a furnace that stops heating can quickly escalate from a comfort issue to a safety risk, especially in freezing temperatures. It's like being caught in a snowstorm without a coat!

Water Leaks: The Unexpected Flood

Water pooling around your furnace is not a good sign. It can indicate internal problems and lead to property damage. It’s like finding a puddle in your living room – it shouldn’t be there, and it needs immediate attention.

Unusual Noises: The Furnace Cry for Help

Loud banging, screeching, or other strange noises from your furnace are not part of its normal repertoire. It’s like your car making a clunking sound – it’s a cry for help.

Electrical Issues: The Hidden Hazard

If your furnace is tripping the breaker or causing electrical issues, it can be a fire risk. Electrical problems are like a ticking time bomb – they need urgent attention.

Non-Emergency But Important Issues

Regular Maintenance: The Key to Prevention

Routine maintenance might not be an emergency, but it’s crucial. It’s like regular check-ups at the doctor – they keep you in good shape and prevent bigger issues down the line.

Minor Repairs: Don’t Delay

Small problems like minor leaks or unusual odors should be addressed quickly but aren’t typically emergencies. It’s like fixing a leaky faucet – not urgent, but better resolved sooner rather than later.

What to Do in a Furnace Emergency

Safety First: Evacuate if Necessary

In cases like gas leaks or carbon monoxide detection, evacuate immediately. It’s like hearing a fire alarm – better safe than sorry.

Call the Professionals

In an emergency, your first call should be to a professional. DIY is great for minor issues, but when it comes to emergencies, it’s like performing surgery on yourself – not advisable.

Turning Off the Furnace

If safe to do so, turn off your furnace to prevent further damage. It’s like turning off a leaking water tap.

Prevention: The Best Strategy

Regular Check-Ups

Prevent emergencies with regular maintenance. It’s like changing the oil in your car – it keeps things running smoothly.

Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

These can be lifesavers, alerting you to invisible dangers. It’s an essential tool, like having a smoke detector in your home.

Educate Your Household

Make sure everyone in your home knows what to do in a furnace emergency. It’s like a fire drill – preparation can make all the difference.


In conclusion, recognizing a furnace emergency is all about understanding the signs and knowing how to respond. Whether it’s a potential gas leak, carbon monoxide threat, or a complete furnace breakdown, quick action can prevent a minor issue from becoming a major catastrophe. Remember, regular maintenance is key to prevention, and when in doubt, always call in the professionals. Stay warm, stay safe, and stay informed!

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Innovative Heating Technologies: Revolutionizing Home Comfort

Hey there! If you're anything like me, you cherish those cozy moments at home, especially when it's chilly outside. But have you ever wondered if there's a better, more efficient way to heat your home than the traditional methods we've grown accustomed to? Well, you're in luck! The world of heating technologies has been buzzing with innovation, making our homes smarter, greener, and more comfortable. Let's explore these exciting advancements together.

The Evolution of Home Heating: A Quick Recap

Remember the days of bulky radiators clanging in the night or the old furnace that seemed to eat up your wallet? Traditional heating methods have served us well, but they're not exactly the epitome of efficiency or eco-friendliness. Fast forward to today, and the heating game has changed dramatically, offering solutions that are not just about warming up spaces but doing so intelligently and sustainably.

Cutting-Edge Heating Technologies: What's Hot Right Now

1. Geothermal Heating Systems: Earth’s Hidden Treasure

Picture this: tapping into the Earth's constant underground temperature to keep your home toasty. That's geothermal heating for you. It uses ground-source heat pumps to extract heat from below the Earth’s surface, providing a constant and reliable heat source. It's like having a treasure buried right under your home, and it's incredibly efficient!

2. Solar Heating Systems: Harnessing the Power of the Sun

No list of innovative heating technologies would be complete without solar heating. These systems capture the sun's energy to heat air or water before distributing it throughout your home. Imagine a sunny day not just brightening your mood but also warming your home. It's renewable energy at its finest.

3. Infrared Heating Panels: The Invisible Warmth

Ever felt the warmth of the sun on your face, even on a cold day? Infrared heating panels work similarly. They emit infrared rays that heat objects and people directly, rather than warming the air. It's like having your personal sun inside, minus the UV rays!

4. Hydronic Radiant Floor Heating: Walking on Sunshine

This technology turns your floors into a giant, cozy radiator. With pipes running underneath your floors, heated by various energy sources, you get an even, efficient warmth rising from the ground up. It's like walking on sunshine, but indoors!

5. Heat Pump Technology: The Two-Way Street

Heat pumps are like the chameleons of the heating world. They can extract warmth from the air, ground, or water outside your home and bring it inside. And guess what? In summer, they reverse the process, acting as air conditioners. Talk about versatility!

6. Smart Thermostats: The Brainy Controllers

Smart thermostats are the brains behind the operation. They learn your habits, adjust heating automatically, and can be controlled from your smartphone. It's like having a little heating genius sitting on your wall.

Pros and Cons: Every Rose Has Its Thorn

While these technologies sound fantastic, they come with their own set of pros and cons.

What's Best for Your Home? A Personal Decision

Choosing the right heating technology is like picking the right pair of shoes – it's a very personal decision. It depends on your home's location, your budget, and your commitment to sustainability. Are you ready to make a significant upfront investment for long-term savings? Do you have the necessary conditions for technologies like solar or geothermal heating? These are the questions to ponder.

The Future of Home Heating: A Warm and Bright Horizon

The future of home heating looks warm and bright, with ongoing innovations focused on sustainability and smart technology. Imagine a future where your heating system is not only efficient but also intelligently integrated with other smart home systems, working in harmony to create the perfect living environment.

Conclusion: Embracing the Warmth of Innovation

In conclusion, the world of innovative heating technologies is vast and exciting, offering a plethora of options to keep our homes cozy and our planet happy. Whether it's the Earth-hugging warmth of geothermal systems, the sun-kissed embrace of solar heating, or the smart, intuitive control of advanced thermostats, there's something for every home and every homeowner. The key is to weigh the pros and cons, consider your specific needs, and embrace the warmth of innovation that suits you best. Here's to a future of comfortable, sustainable, and smart heating solutions!

Why Furnace Cleaning and Maintenance Are Key

Ah, the furnace – that trusty guardian against the chill, faithfully humming away in the basement or a closet. It’s easy to forget about it, right? Out of sight, out of mind. But here’s a wake-up call: your furnace needs some love and attention too! Regular cleaning and maintenance are not just good practices; they’re essential for a long-lasting, efficient heating system. Let’s break down why.

The Heart of Home Comfort: Understanding Your Furnace

Before we dive into the why, let’s get a quick refresher on what your furnace is up to all day. It’s basically the heart of your home's heating system, pumping warm air through your house. Like any hardworking heart, it needs regular check-ups and care to keep it beating strong.

Reason #1: Safety First, Always

Imagine a car that’s never serviced – scary, right? The same goes for your furnace. A neglected furnace can become a safety hazard. Why? Well, for starters, it can lead to carbon monoxide leaks, which are as dangerous as they sound. Regular maintenance ensures everything is running correctly and safely. After all, peace of mind is priceless.

Preventing Carbon Monoxide Leaks

A well-maintained furnace is less likely to have issues like a cracked heat exchanger, which can lead to carbon monoxide leaks. Think of it like keeping the exhaust system in your car in check – it's about keeping what's harmful on the outside, outside.

Reason #2: Energy Efficiency = Money Saved

Who doesn’t like saving money? A clean and well-maintained furnace runs more efficiently. This means it uses less energy to keep you warm. Less energy used equals lower utility bills. It’s like tuning up your bike for a smoother ride; it just takes less effort to pedal.

The Impact of Regular Maintenance on Utility Bills

Regular tune-ups ensure your furnace isn't working harder than it needs to. It's like clearing a clogged-up running track – it makes the runner’s (or in this case, your furnace’s) job much easier.

Reason #3: Extend Your Furnace's Lifespan

Nobody wants to buy a new furnace before they absolutely have to, right? Regular cleaning and maintenance can significantly extend the life of your furnace. Think of it as regular exercise and a good diet for your furnace. It keeps it in shape and wards off the need for a costly replacement.

How Regular Care Delays Replacement

It’s simple: a well-cared-for furnace faces less wear and tear, which means fewer breakdowns and a longer life. It's like taking care of your car – regular oil changes and tune-ups can keep it running for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Reason #4: Better Air Quality for a Healthier Home

Ever thought about what’s blowing through your vents along with the warm air? Dust, dirt, and allergens can accumulate in your furnace and duct system over time. Regular cleaning means you're not just heating your home; you're also improving the air quality. It’s like giving your home a pair of lungs that breathe clean and healthy air.

The Link Between Furnace Maintenance and Indoor Air Quality

By regularly replacing filters and cleaning key components, you reduce the amount of dust and allergens circulating in your home. It's akin to putting a better quality mask on your home during allergy season.

Reason #5: Keeping Your Warranty Valid

Did you know that many furnace warranties require regular maintenance? Skipping on those yearly check-ups might mean you're also waving goodbye to your warranty. It’s like having a gym membership; you need to show up and use it to see the benefits.

Understanding Warranty Requirements

Make sure to read the fine print on your furnace’s warranty. Often, manufacturers will only honor it if you’ve kept up with regular maintenance, just like a car manufacturer might require regular servicing.

Reason #6: Preventing Costly Breakdowns and Repairs

We’ve all been there – something breaks, and suddenly there's a hefty repair bill. Regular maintenance can catch small issues before they turn into big, expensive problems. It’s like catching a small leak in your roof before it turns into a waterfall in your living room.

The Economics of Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is about spending a little now to save a lot later. Regular check-ups can identify parts that are wearing out or performance issues that, if left unaddressed, could lead to expensive repairs or even a full system breakdown.

A Year in the Life of Your Furnace: What Maintenance Looks Like

Alright, so what does furnace maintenance actually involve? It’s not just about swapping out filters (though that’s important). It includes checking the thermostat settings, inspecting electrical connections, lubricating moving parts, checking the condensate drain, and examining system controls, to name a few tasks. It’s a bit like taking your car in for a service; they check under the hood, top up fluids, and make sure everything’s running as it should.

Seasonal Maintenance Tips

Remember, maintenance isn’t a one-time thing; it’s an all-year-round job. In the fall, get a professional to inspect and service your furnace to prepare for winter. In spring, it’s a good time to clean or replace filters and clear any debris from around your outdoor AC unit, if you have a combined system.

Conclusion: Embracing the Warmth, Wisely

In the end, the secret to a long-lasting, efficient, and safe furnace isn’t really a secret at all. It’s about regular cleaning and maintenance – a little bit of care goes a long way. Not only does it keep your home cozy and warm, but it also saves you money, keeps you healthy, and gives you peace of mind. So, don’t wait until your furnace sends an SOS signal in the dead of winter. Show it some love now, and it will keep you warm for many winters to come. Remember, a happy furnace makes for a happy home!

Embracing the Future with Energy-Efficient Furnaces: Why It Matters

Hey there! Ever thought about how your home stays so toasty during those chilly winters? A big shout-out to your furnace, the unsung hero in the basement. But it's not just any furnace that deserves applause – it's the energy-efficient ones that are changing the game. Let's talk about why these modern marvels are more than just a hot topic in today's world.

Understanding Energy-Efficient Furnaces: More Than Just Hot Air

First things first, what makes a furnace energy-efficient? In simple terms, these furnaces do more with less. They use less fuel to generate the same (or more) heat compared to older models. It’s like having a car that gives you more miles per gallon – same distance, less fuel.

The Importance of Efficiency Ratings: Decoding the Numbers

AFUE: The Magic Number

Ever seen ‘AFUE’ tagged on a furnace and wondered what it stands for? It's the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency rating, a measure of how efficiently a furnace can convert the energy in its fuel to heat over a typical year. The higher the AFUE percentage, the more efficient the furnace. It's like a report card for your furnace, and you definitely want to see high scores here!

Why Go for High Efficiency? The Benefits Unveiled

1. Cost Savings: Keeping Your Wallet Happy

Who doesn’t love saving money? Energy-efficient furnaces use less fuel, which means lower bills. Imagine keeping your home as warm as you like and paying less for it. Sounds like a sweet deal, right?

2. Environmental Impact: Loving the Planet

Every time you reduce energy use, you're also reducing your carbon footprint. Efficient furnaces emit fewer greenhouse gases, making them a friendlier choice for our planet. It's like choosing to bike instead of drive; small choice, big impact.

3. Improved Comfort: Your Personal Cozy Bubble

Efficient furnaces provide better and more consistent heat distribution. This means no more cold spots in your home – just consistent, cozy warmth. It’s like being wrapped in a giant, warm hug all winter long.

4. Increased Property Value: A Smart Home Investment

Homes with energy-efficient furnaces often have higher property values. It’s an attractive feature for potential buyers, much like a renovated kitchen or a well-maintained garden.

Navigating the Choices: Finding the Right Fit for Your Home

Choosing an energy-efficient furnace isn't one-size-fits-all. You’ve got to consider the size of your home, your climate, and your budget. It’s a bit like picking out a new outfit; it has to fit you and your style perfectly.

Making the Switch: When to Upgrade Your Furnace

Knowing When to Say Goodbye

Is your furnace over 15 years old? Struggling to keep up? It might be time for an upgrade. Upgrading to an energy-efficient model is not just about fixing what's broken. It's about embracing advanced technology for a smarter, greener home. It's similar to upgrading from an old flip phone to the latest smartphone – the difference in performance and efficiency can be astounding.

The Cost-Benefit Analysis

Yes, energy-efficient furnaces come with a higher upfront cost. But like a good investment, they pay off over time through reduced energy bills. It's like buying a more expensive pair of shoes that last years longer than the cheap pair.

Installation and Maintenance: Getting it Right

Professional Installation: A Must-Have

Installing an energy-efficient furnace isn't a DIY project. It requires professional expertise to ensure it's done right – think of it as needing a surgeon for a major operation rather than a first aid kit.

Regular Maintenance: Keeping the Efficiency High

Just like any high-performance machine, these furnaces need regular check-ups. This ensures they're running at peak efficiency and prevents small issues from turning into big problems. It's like keeping up with regular dentist appointments for a healthy smile.

Government Incentives and Rebates: Sweetening the Deal

To encourage energy efficiency, many governments offer incentives or rebates for installing energy-efficient furnaces. It's worth looking into these programs – it’s like finding a coupon for something you were already planning to buy.

The Future is Efficient: Emerging Trends in Furnace Technology

Smart Furnaces: The Next Big Thing?

The future of home heating includes smart furnaces that can be controlled with your smartphone, integrate with your home automation system, and even alert you when they need maintenance. It's like having a personal assistant for your home heating needs.

Renewable Energy Integration

The integration of furnaces with renewable energy sources, like solar power, is on the rise. This combo can significantly reduce reliance on traditional energy sources, making your home heating system even greener.

Conclusion: Embracing Efficiency for a Warmer Tomorrow

In the grand scheme of things, energy-efficient furnaces are more than just a home improvement – they're a commitment to a more sustainable, cost-effective, and comfortable living. They're about making a smart choice for your wallet, your comfort, and the planet. As we continue to move towards a more energy-conscious world, these furnaces aren’t just a good idea; they're a crucial step in the right direction. So, when you're snuggled up and warm in your home this winter, remember that with an energy-efficient furnace, you're not just beating the cold; you're also embracing a brighter, more sustainable future.

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Looking for 24 hour furnace repair service In Stony Plain? During Alberta winters, you can’t stand to be without your gas heating system. Our licensed service technicians can fix any make or design — and we’ll have you warm and cozy once again in no time.

Our service technicians bring industry-leading training and real-world experience to every property heating task. They are skilled in repairing all kinds of furnaces. We totally stock our vans with the parts required to complete many regular repair work, helping to get your home heating system up and running quickly.

We are available 24/7 to assist in the event of an emergency situation. We commit to working with you to resolve any issue as quickly as possible.

Business Name:

24 Hour Furnace Repair in Stony Plain


966 Boulder Blvd, Stony Plain, AB T7Z 0E6, Canada


1 (587) 714-2384



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