Furnace Replacement

About Us

Our expert team specializes in top-notch furnace installation in Mill Woods, ensuring your home stays warm and cozy during those chilly Alberta winters. We understand the unique climate challenges of Mill Woods and offer tailored solutions to meet your heating needs.

Our services include a comprehensive assessment of your home to determine the perfect furnace model that fits your space and budget. We pride ourselves on using only high-quality, energy-efficient furnaces, promising long-term savings on your energy bills. Our skilled technicians are trained to install your new furnace swiftly and effectively, minimizing disruption to your daily life.

We're committed to exceptional customer service, providing clear communication and professional advice every step of the way. Trust us to enhance the comfort of your home with a furnace that operates smoothly and efficiently. Contact us today for a warm tomorrow in Mill Woods!

Call (587) 714-2384 for a FREE, No-Obligation, assessment of your heating system!

Considerations When Replacing Your Furnace in Canada


Hey there, Canadian homeowner! Are you thinking about replacing your furnace? It's like deciding on a new member of your family, isn't it? With our frosty Canadian winters, choosing the right furnace isn't just a matter of comfort, but a necessity. Let’s walk through the key considerations to make sure you find the perfect match.

Understanding Your Needs

Assessing Your Home’s Size and Layout

Your home is as unique as a snowflake in a Canadian winter, and your furnace needs to fit it perfectly. A unit too small won’t keep you warm, while one too big will be like having a team of huskies when you only need a sled dog. The size and layout of your home are crucial in determining the right furnace capacity.

The Climate Factor

In Canada, our weather is as unpredictable as a hockey game’s final score. The local climate should play a big part in your decision. A furnace that works in mild Victoria may not cut it in frosty Winnipeg.

Types of Furnaces: Making the Right Choice

Gas Furnaces: The Popular Choice

Gas furnaces are like the trusty snow boots everyone has. They're reliable, efficient, and a popular choice in many Canadian homes. They’re great if you have access to natural gas.

Electric Furnaces: The Simpler Alternative

If a gas furnace is a snowmobile, then an electric furnace is the snowshoes. It's simpler, often cheaper to install, but can be more expensive in the long run. They're a good fit if natural gas isn’t available.

Oil Furnaces: The Sturdy Option

Oil furnaces are like the sturdy, insulated parkas. Not as common, but they pack a punch in colder areas. They’re an option if you don’t have access to natural gas and prefer something more robust than electric.

Energy Efficiency: Saving Your Wallet and the Planet

Understanding Efficiency Ratings

Choosing an energy-efficient furnace is like picking a car with good mileage; it’s good for your wallet and the environment. Look for high Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) ratings - the higher, the better.

Rebates and Incentives

Keep an eye out for government rebates and incentives for energy-efficient furnaces. It’s like finding a discount on your favorite maple syrup – a sweet deal you don’t want to miss.

Cost Factors: More Than Just the Price Tag

Initial Investment vs. Long-Term Savings

The cost of a furnace isn't just what you pay upfront; it’s like an iceberg, with most of its mass hidden beneath the surface. Consider long-term costs like energy bills and maintenance.

Installation Costs

Remember, the cost of the furnace itself is just one part of the equation. Installation costs can vary widely. It’s important to get several quotes and understand what’s included.

Finding the Right Contractor: Your Furnace’s Best Friend

Importance of Experience and Reputation

Choosing a contractor is like picking a teammate for a hockey game. You want someone skilled, experienced, and with a good track record. Look for licensed, insured professionals with strong customer reviews.

Getting Multiple Quotes

Get quotes from several contractors. It’s like tasting different types of maple syrup to find your favorite. Comparing prices and services can help you make an informed decision.

Maintenance and Warranty: The Safety Net

Understanding the Warranty

A good warranty is like a warm blanket on a cold night. Make sure you understand what’s covered and for how long.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your furnace running smoothly. It’s like taking your car in for oil changes – essential for longevity and performance.


In conclusion, replacing your furnace in Canada isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. It’s about finding the right balance between your home’s needs, energy efficiency, and budget. Think of it as gearing up for a winter expedition – you need the right equipment to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. Take your time, do your research, and choose wisely. Your future cozy, warm Canadian winters depend on it!

Choosing the Right Furnace for Your Home: A Warm Guide


Hello there, dear homeowner! Is your furnace getting up there in years, or are you just looking to upgrade? Choosing the right furnace for your home is akin to selecting the perfect winter coat – it needs to fit well, keep you warm, and be a smart investment. Let’s break down how you can make the best choice for your cozy abode.

Understanding Furnace Types: The Basics

Gas Furnaces: The Popular Kid on the Block

Gas furnaces are like the trusty, go-to winter boots for many homeowners. They’re efficient, effective, and widely used. If you have access to a natural gas line, this could be your go-to choice.

Electric Furnaces: The Quiet Achievers

Electric furnaces are like your dependable electric blanket – straightforward and easy to use. They’re a great option if natural gas isn’t available, and they boast a longer lifespan and lower initial costs.

Oil Furnaces: The Sturdy Choice

If gas and electric are the popular and quiet kids in school, think of oil furnaces as the sturdy, reliable ones. They're particularly good in areas where oil is more economical than gas or electricity.

Size Matters: Finding the Perfect Fit

Calculating the Right Size

Choosing a furnace that’s the right size for your home is like picking out a pair of shoes – too small, and you’ll be uncomfortable; too big, and you’re wasting space and money. A professional can help calculate the correct size based on your home’s square footage, layout, and insulation.

Why Oversizing and Undersizing Is Bad

Oversizing leads to short cycling (like revving your car at every stop sign), while undersizing means your furnace will struggle to keep up (like running a marathon in flip-flops). Both scenarios are inefficient and can shorten the furnace’s life.

Energy Efficiency: Warmth Without the Waste

Understanding AFUE Ratings

AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) ratings are like your car’s MPG (miles per gallon) – they tell you how efficiently your furnace converts fuel into heat. The higher the AFUE percentage, the more heat you get per dollar spent on fuel.

The Cost-Efficiency Balance

An energy-efficient furnace might cost more upfront (think of it as investing in a high-quality, durable winter coat), but it can save you significant money in the long run on utility bills.

Installation: A Crucial Step

Choosing the Right Installer

Installation is as important as the furnace itself. Think of it as a dance – even with the best partner (furnace), if your steps (installation) are off, you’ll have problems. Ensure your installer is reputable, experienced, and properly certified.

Considering Installation Costs

Installation costs can vary widely, so include this in your budget. It's an integral part of your investment, like paying for a good tailor to ensure that new suit fits perfectly.

Making the Final Decision: Bringing It All Together

Assess Your Home and Needs

Take a good look at your home’s size, your local climate, and your heating needs. It’s a bit like planning a holiday – you need to know where you’re going and what you’ll need to enjoy the trip.

Compare and Contrast

Shop around, compare different models and manufacturers. It’s like comparing different smartphone models – what features are must-haves, and what can you live without?

Consult with Professionals

Don’t hesitate to consult with heating professionals. They can provide invaluable advice tailored to your specific situation, much like a consultant helps you navigate complex decisions.


In conclusion, choosing the right furnace for your home is a blend of understanding your needs, doing your homework, and consulting with professionals. It's a significant investment, much like buying a house or a car, and deserves careful consideration. Remember, the best furnace for you is one that fits your home perfectly, runs efficiently, and meets your budget. Here’s to making an informed choice and enjoying a warm, comfortable home!

Is It Time to Replace Your Home Furnace? Spotting the Warning Signs and Timing Your Purchase


Hey there, homeowner! Have you been wondering if your furnace is on its last legs? Deciding when to replace your home furnace can feel like trying to predict a snowstorm in Canada – you know it's coming, but when? Let’s chat about the warning signs that your furnace might be ready for retirement and the best time to invest in a new one.

Recognizing the Signs: Is Your Furnace Sending an SOS?

Age: The Telltale Number

First off, how old is your furnace? Like a vintage car, if it’s over 15-20 years old, it's probably time for an upgrade. Older models not only lack efficiency but also might not meet modern safety standards.

Rising Energy Bills: Your Furnace Eating Your Wallet?

If your energy bills are creeping up without any obvious reason, your furnace could be the culprit. Inefficient heating is like a leaky faucet in terms of wasted resources – it adds up over time.

Frequent Repairs: A Drain on Your Wallet

Is your furnace breaking down more often than a bad sitcom’s plot? Frequent repairs are a clear sign that it’s time for a change. Think of it like patching up an old winter jacket – at some point, it’s better just to get a new one.

Inconsistent Heating: The Hot and Cold Game

If your home feels like it’s playing a game of hot and cold with uneven temperatures, your furnace might be struggling. Consistent heating should be a given, like the steady flow of a river, not a roller coaster ride.

Strange Noises: Bumps in the Night

Old furnaces often start making strange noises – banging, popping, or rattling. It's like your car making odd sounds; it’s a sign something’s not right under the hood.

Dust and Soot: More Than Just Dirt

Excessive dust or soot around the registers can indicate a serious problem. It’s like seeing smoke – where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and where there’s soot, there’s a furnace issue.

Timing Your Purchase: When Is the Best Time to Buy a New Furnace?

Off-Season Bargains: The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Looking for the best deals? The off-season – spring and early fall – is often the best time to buy a new furnace. It’s like shopping for swimsuits in winter; demand is low, so prices are more likely to be favorable.

End-of-Season Sales: Catching the Last Wave

You can also look out for end-of-season sales. As winter winds down, retailers might be looking to clear out inventory. It's like the last day of a farmer’s market – there are deals to be had.

Planning Ahead: Avoiding the Rush

Consider replacing your furnace before it completely breaks down. It’s like replacing your roof before it starts leaking – proactive, not reactive. This approach not only gives you time to research and find the best deal but also ensures you’re not left in the cold when you need heating the most.

What to Look for in a New Furnace

Energy Efficiency: Saving the Planet and Your Pocket

Look for a high-efficiency furnace. The upfront cost might be higher, but the long-term savings on energy bills and the environmental benefits are worth it. It’s an investment in a greener, more economical future.

Size and Type: One Size Does Not Fit All

Ensure the new furnace is the correct size for your home. A unit too large or too small is like wearing shoes that don’t fit – uncomfortable and inefficient. Also, consider the type of furnace (gas, electric, oil) that best suits your needs and local utility options.

Warranty and Service: The Safety Net

A good warranty and reliable customer service are crucial. It’s like having a good insurance policy – you hope you never need it, but it’s there just in case.


In conclusion, replacing your home furnace is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. Keep an eye out for warning signs like increased energy bills, frequent repairs, and inconsistent heating. Timing your purchase during the off-season can lead to substantial savings. Remember, a new, efficient furnace is not just an expense; it’s an investment in your home’s comfort and value. So, take the time to do your research, plan ahead, and make a decision that will keep you and your wallet comfortable for years to come. Stay warm, friends!

24 Furnace Repair