Gmail Phone Number for Google Account configuration

☎ +1(888) 862-1202 { USA & Canada }

☎ +1(888) 792-1248 { USA & Canada }

"Key factors to Manage Gmail and Google Security and Privacy Settings via our Toll Free phone number"

1. Google Security Checkup >>> Here you can do : Recovery Information Check, Recent Security Events Check, Connected Devices Check, Account Permissions Check, 2-Step Verification Settings Check

2. Google Privacy Checkup >>> The Privacy checkup offers another group of settings that you should check. From the account page, click Get Started under Privacy Checkup.Most of these settings apply to Google+, YouTube, and what type of data Google stores, and who can view it. Have a look through these and adjust anything you don't like.

3. Gmail Security Checklist >>> The Gmail Security Checklist is a 9-step checklist that is specific to Gmail accounts. It includes items such as creating a strong password, setting your recovery options , checking your account for unusual activity, and then looks at specific Gmail settings.

It's a smart thought to experience above mentioned security and protection checks. Regardless of whether you just utilize Gmail, despite everything you have to check your general Google account settings to ensure your information is secure and your personality is secured. Google makes it genuinely simple to oversee security for you, as long as you most likely are aware where to look.