Growing into



bearing fruit for God's glory

Free online courses - Coming up soon!

"Non-degree" programs

The Gospel Course

Knowing God and His gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. Understanding what it means to be saved and to be sanctified each day with the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

The Discipleship Course

Knowing the triune God deeply and to know what it takes be conformed to the likeness of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with the help of His Holy Spirit for the glory of the Father.

Certificate in Theological Studies (Beginners level)

The foundational level of theological studies.

Certificate in Theological Studies (Intermediate level)

The deeper level of theological studies.

Certificate in Theological Studies (Advanced level)

The advanced level of theological studies.

Disclaimer: All the learning courses that we currently offer are "non-degree" programs that do not grant any college credits or lead to any degree. Hence, the approval of these courses by Delaware Department of Education is not required.