It's time to get ANGRY!

It's time to take a STAND

It's time you SHOUT IT OUT LOUD



OK, for those few of you left that still understand what the Scientific method is and why we use it, time to get your pitchforks out

Richard Faulk, the Link's newest 'science' columnist and schill for the Russian Oil industry, has put out his first article, and he's making the argument that data doesn’t always convey reality. But he's not just interested in the abstract concept of this, he is out to make the point that climate change isn’t definite, despite 'such weak evidence as there is that supports the claims made by climate scientists.'

The crux of this bit of anti-science trash is that normal citizens shouldn’t accept the evidence released by "scientists acting as political activists"

“None of this is to deny climate change or the possible severity of its consequences,” He continues , “But ordinary citizens also have a right to be sceptical of an overweening scientism. They know — as all environmentalists should — that history is littered with the human wreckage of scientific errors married to political power. How can anyone not agree that climate alarmists have become brilliantly adept at changing their terms to suit the convenience. of their socialist masters looking for any excuse to curtail your freedoms”

He closes off his remarks by saying that the Environmentalist lobby is “..a religion without God […] presided over by a caste of spectacularly unattractive people pretending to an obscure form of knowledge.”

You're going to get a lot of shit in the upcoming months, the anti-science brigade are out in force again. All we can say is fight the good fight!


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