The Speakers

Fernando Guevara Vasquez

Invisibility, cloaking and mimicking

Abstract: What does it mean for an object to be invisible? We will cover two ways of making objects invisible. One method relies on cloaks made with carefully crafted materials. The other method works with the same principle as noise cancelling headphones and requires precisely controlled sources. We shall also see how to achieve mimicking, i.e. giving the illusion that an object looks like another completely different one (e.g. making an apple look like a banana).

Jia Zhao

Physics-informed Computational Modeling of Multiphase Complex Fluids with Applications in Life Science

Abstract: Complex fluids are ubiquitous in nature and in synthesized materials, such as biofilms, mucus, synthetic and biological polymeric solutions. Modeling and simulation of complex fluids have been listed as one of the 21st-century mathematical challenges by DARPA, which is therefore of great mathematical and scientific significance. In this talk, I will first explain our research motivations by introducing several complex fluids examples and traditional modeling techniques. We proposed physics-informed hydrodynamic theories to model multiphase complex fluid flows by integrating the generalized Onsager Principle and phase-field approach. Then, I will discuss a general technique for developing accurate, efficient, and structure-preserving numerical approximations for solving hydrodynamic models. The numerical strategy is rather general in that it can be applied to a host of complex fluids models. Afterward, I will present several applications in life science with our modeling and numerical toolkits.