Miss Autumn's JK Class


Miss Autumn Smith

Contact Info:

Phone: (605) 529-5464 extension 1202

Email: autumn.smith@k12.sd.us

Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/17ZJSIJ2J0QK3?ref_=wl_share 

Hello, my name is Miss Autumn, and I am your child's Junior Kindergarten teacher. JK is such a fun class, students learn so much and also get to do a lot of great activities. I believe in teaching through play, so students have a lot of time in the day to interact with one another and learn about the world through hands-on experience. In JK we focus a lot on social-emotional learning. We learn how to regulate our emotions and good choices to make when we have big emotions. JK is an amazing class and I am so excited that you and your child can join in on everything JK has to offer!