
Muhammad Ali by Thomas hoepker

This is a photo of the boxer Muhammad Ali the head is smaller and blurred so the fist becomes the main subject of he photo . The details and texture of the fist are more visible because it is closer towards the photo . You can see the little hairs and wrinkles on his hand .

This is a photo of a man called August Landmesser . August refused to do the Nazi salute with other workers  as seen in the photo . He was working at a shipyard in Germany . he was born in may 24th 1910 and died in 17th October 1944 .

Hands mood board

 My Plan

My plan is to photo a hand on the glass of a window they will be on the outside of the window so they become a silhouette the only thing in the photograph will be the hand the place where i will be shooting will be on the window of a door i wont need any equipment . 

My contact sheet

Shoot one 

shoot two

I am going to add objects to the photos and move away from the idea of windows .

Editing shoot 1 



In Photoshop i have changed the curve to an s shape. I changed the hue and saturation to make it look more like they are coming from a more terrifying background  .

What will you do to move your project forward.

I am going to do another photo shoot. For my photo shoot i am going to make a hand come out of a dark background and experiment with lots of hand gestures.Then print another contact sheet and put a lot of detail on it about whats bad and good.

My contact sheet.

 I have edited the tape away from of the frame also the stick. I could of also included the whole frame into the picture. 

My contact sheet 

For this photo i have used photo solarisation. The shadows could be used to make a more dramatic effect.

These are my ideas for my next Photo shoot i am going to do all sorts of different hand gestures from around the world . 

My contact sheet