
In this picture i can see  Adele. This photo the Photographer used Butterfly lighting i don't think she is a ring light because you normally can see the reflection in her eyes. This pictures it is black and white she also got fake eyelashes on you can see the shadow on her jaw and cheek and a little on her forehead. She looks very serious but shes slightly looking up but her eyes are  looking at the camera.

In this picture the photographer used loop lighting to make the shadow she also looks scared or shocked about something her eyes are so wide her eyes got all sorts of colors such as blue,green and little bit of brown.  Shes got rips on her clothes so it looks like shes hiding from someone  so there might be more to the photo but you cant see it.  she looks traumatized because of the camera being shoved in her face i thin this photo is an abstract image. This photo also looks like the cover of a book or a film 

