204100 Lab 01: Microsoft Word (In-lab and Take-home)


  • This assignment has 2 parts, one in-lab exercise and one take-home assignment.
  • Your work needed to be submitted using the file submission system. You get to the file submission system here: http://hw.cs.science.cmu.ac.th

In-Lab Execrise

Due: 3rd January, 2019 (Note that this is an exception, in-lab will usually be due the same day it is available)

  1. You will make a 1-page brochure to present the following information. It must be in landscape orientation and has 3 columns, as shown above.
    • The brochure must be in English or it won’t be graded. It must contain the following information:
      • Your name, student ID, section, major, and department
      • Some personal background
      • Education background
  2. The brochure should be formatted as follow:
    • Use A4 as paper size.
    • Use appropriate font type and size.
    • Use Landscape orientation
    • Set Margins for Working Area (top, left, right, and bottom) as appropriate.


Save your brochure to file with studentid_word1-inlab.docx as the file’s name. For example, 500510111_word1-inlab.docx. Then, upload the file to homework submission website (http://hw.cs.science.cmu.ac.th)

Take-home Assignment

Due:3rd January, 2019, 2019

From 1-page in-lab brochure you have made in the in-lab exercise, you will expand it into a 2-page brochure by adding following information. The brochure must be in English or it won’t be graded. The brochure should be formatted the same way as the in-lab exercise brochure.

    • A picture of yourself
    • Extracurricular (outside classroom) activities you have done while in Chiang Mai University.
    • Your favorite story
    • Use Insert Equation to put your favorite equation in the brochure. Explain why it is your favorite.
    • Your midterm exam schedule.
    • Other details as you see fit.

The brochure should be in the same format as this example. Yours need to be at least 2 pages, however.


Save your brochure to file with studentid_word1-takehome.docx as the file’s name. For example, 500510111_word1-takehome.docx. Then, upload the file to homework submission website (http://hw.cs.science.cmu.ac.th)