2025 Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry

                             Organised in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute

July 14 to August 1, 2025

Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO, USA

Apply to participate (click here)

Anyone can apply, but only those who subsequently receive an invitation can actually participate.  Lecture hall capacity may limit the number of participants we can accept.  For full consideration, apply by November 15, 2024; after that, we will consider applications if space remains.

Plenary speakers

Roman Bezrukavnikov (MIT)

Bhargav Bhatt (IAS/Princeton University/University of Michigan)

Caucher Birkar (Tsinghua University)

Sebastien Boucksom (IMJ-PRG)

Melody Chan (Brown University)

Laura DeMarco (Harvard University)

June Huh (Princeton University)

Mattias Jonsson (University of Michigan)

Emanuele Macrì (University of Paris-Saclay)

Davesh Maulik (MIT)

John Pardon (Stony Brook University)

Kevin Tucker (UIC)

Karl Schwede (University of Utah)

Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto)

Akshay Venkatesh  (Stanford University)

Isabel Vogt (Brown University)

Jakub Witaszek  (Princeton University)

Chenyang Xu (Princeton University)

Zhiwei Yun (MIT)

Susanna Zimmerman (University of Paris-Saclay)

Invited speakers

To be announced.


In 1954 Zariski organized a meeting at which Serre’s work on coherent sheaves was introduced to American algebraic geometry.  Since then, there has been a major algebraic geometry meeting every decade. Over the last 60 years, we have had Woods Hole (1964), Arcata (1974), Bowdoin (1985), Santa Cruz (1995), Seattle (2005), and Salt Lake City (2015). The proceedings volumes of these meetings have been extremely influential, summarizing the state of algebraic geometry at the time and pointing to future developments.

Organizing committee

Renzo Cavalieri (Colorado State University)

Gavril Farkas (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Angela Gibney (University of Pennsylvania)

Christopher Hacon (University of Utah) 

Andrei Okounkov (Columbia University) 

Bjorn Poonen (MIT)

Karen Smith (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

Chenyang Xu (Princeton University)