會 場 交 通 資 訊

會場位置 / Location Google Map

交通資訊 / Travel Information

◎ 搭乘台鐵:鐵台南站-成功大學化工系館


From Tainan Station of the Taiwan Railways, walk from the rear exit along University (Daxue) Road for about 10-15 minutes to reach the Department of Chemical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University.

◎ 搭乘高鐵:高鐵台南站(臺鐵沙崙站)-台鐵台南站-成功大學化工系館




At THSR Tainan Station, go to the second floor transfer corridor to reach Shalun Station of the Taiwan Railways. Take the Shalun Line to Tainan Station.

From Tainan Station of the Taiwan Railways, walk from the rear exit along University (Daxue) Road for about 10-15 minutes to reach the Department of Chemical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University.

自行前往 / Driving - please refer to oogle map



.下仁德交流道(327)→左轉進入中山路(182市道)→右轉進入長榮路二段→接長榮路三段即到達會場 Google map路線圖

.下仁德交流道(327A)→併入高速一街一段→右轉進入裕農路→經後甲圓環接東寧路→左轉進入長榮路三段即到達會場 Google map路線圖


.下大灣交流道(324)併入高速二街→右轉進入復興路(180縣道)→接小東路(180縣道)→左轉進入長榮路三段即到達會場 Google map路線圖