March 1 - 3, 2024

Serpentinite, Fluids and Plate Boundary Deformation in Subduction Zones

at the Gault Natural Reserve Centre of McGill University, located in Québec, Canada

We are pleased to announce the upcoming scientific workshop dedicated to exploring and advancing our understanding of fluids in subduction zone forearcs and their intricate interactions within this dynamic Earth system. The workshop will provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussions and knowledge exchange among established and early-career researchers in the field. Key themes to be addressed include the sources and mechanisms of forearc fluid generation, geological and geophysical evidence for the storage and mobilization of fluids, and the various geological units hosting specific fluid processes. 

Theme 1: Forearc fluids: unveiling sources, pressures, volumes, and effects of/on deformation

Theme 2: Data sets: Unifying insights from various observations

Theme 3: Foci in space: Probing forearc fluids across key geological features

Organizing committee:

Christie Rowe, McGill University

Pascal Audet, Université d'Ottawa

Matthew Tarling, McGill University

Tim Stern, Victoria University of Wellington

Martha Savage, Victoria University of Wellington

Morgane Brunet, Université du Québec à Rimouski

Jillian Kendrick, McGill University

Joyce Shi Sim, Georgia Institute of Technology


The Venue

Mont St-Hilaire, Québec, Canada

The Gault Nature Reserve, owned by McGill University, is located at Mont-Saint-Hilaire and protects more than 1,000 hectares of natural forest.