Cross-Cultural Communication: Global Understanding Project
2024 Spring Semester

Class Photos

The names and photos are arranged alphabetically from A to Z.

Angel Chu 朱虹樺

Cindy Hsu 許怡欣

Claire Bi 畢凱柔

Claire Lin 林欣慧

Gemma Chen 陳賢蓁

Jenny Chang 張雅鈞

Jessica Liao 廖嘉琪

Jill Chang 張巧蓉

Joanna Hong 洪筠喬

Kate You 游尚函

Kelly Chiu 邱聖芯

Ririn Takeuchi
たけうち りりん (竹內莉凜)

Sylvia Jheng 鄭子歆

Yuan Wang 王政元

Yvonne Wu 吳宜驊

Zoe Wu 吳雙