
The Student Sustainability Summit is an initiative of the Sustainable Shenandoah Valley Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development, and a collaboration of Blue Ridge Community College, Bridgewater College, Eastern Mennonite University, James Madison University, and Mary Baldwin University.

Sustainable Shenandoah Valley is a Regional Centre of Expertise. There are similar organizations throughout the globe that serve as locally organized, coordinated, and self-directed networks of teachers, higher education representatives, members of the local business community, local and regional governmental officials, researchers, and other community members that facilitate learning, create platforms for local dialogue, and partnerships for sustainable development.

Sustainable Shenandoah Valley prioritizes implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals on campuses in the Shenandoah Valley and finds ways to educate students, faculty, and community members about the importance and urgency of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Watch this video to learn more!

History of The Student Sustainability Summit:

The first annual Student Sustainability Summit was hosted by Mary Baldwin University in 2022. The second annual Student Sustainability Summit was hosted by Eastern Mennonite University in 2023.