
 Click on any question below or scroll to learn about the South Park Murder Mystery.


What is the South Park Murder Mystery?

The South Park Murder Mystery is part house tour, part murder mystery!

This tour will take you back to the 1930s to a fictional murder mystery set in South Park. You will leave with a group of other "detectives" for a guided tour of five beautiful homes and locations in South Park. At each place, you will see a short scene acted by our neighbors that will give you clues about the identity of the murderer. At the end of the tour, you can submit your guess about "whodunnit" for a chance to win a prize. 

The tour takes about 1.5 hours and covers around 1.5 miles.



Is this a ticketed event?

Yes! You can buy your tickets at the link above or here: "Buy tickets".

Children 13 years of age and older may attend this event with an accompanying adult.

Tickets are $35.00 and include light snacks and a selzer or beer (for those over 21 years of age) or non-alcoholic beverage at the last stop on the tour: Jimmie's Ladder 11 Greenhouse 



Can I reserve a spot in a tour group with my friends or family?

Yes! Buy tickets for you and friends/family within the same time slot to make sure you can leave with them. People in the same time slot will leave together with their assigned neighborhood guide.

For example, if you buy tickets for the 3:00 time slot, that means the group will leave  from the starting point at 3:00 with their tour guide.



What should I be prepared for?

Bring your ID. You must be 21 years of age or older to consume an alcoholic beverage at Jimmie's Greenhouse. Staff will be checking IDs.

Mobility. You will need to be able to walk around 1-1.5 miles and be able walk up and down narrow and/or uneven historic walkways and staircases

Scariness: The mood of South Park Murder Mystery is not like a horror movie. No "jump scares", no gore. There may be fake blood, a fake weapon or two, and some "salty language" from certain characters, however!



What can you tell me about the story?

(Please note: this story is inspired by the history of South Park, but it does not depict any real identities, names, or events.)

Our story is set in early 1930s Dayton, during the waning influence of Prohibition and the rise of the big city gangster. 

Young Theodore Moore's future was written with a gilded pen. When he inherited his father's lucrative automotive business, his bright fortune seemed secure, even as the markets reeled from the '29 crash.

But what was a young man going to do with a million dollars in 1930s South Park? 

Well, nothing particularly good.

So when Theodore was found lying in the park gazebo after a raucous party, the neighbors thought he was just sleeping off a belly full of beer.

That is, until they saw he was also full of lead bullets.

It turns out that Theo has been making all the wrong moves in a neighborhood where the rich and powerful rub shoulders with the down and out. 

Crooked cops, a "hobo millionaire", ruthless gangsters, and starry-eyed social reformers...all were promised something by Theodore.

And all were willing to kill Theo Moore to get their due.

The Dayton Police are stumped, the neighbors are on edge, and the only hope to solve this high profile case rests in a group of Private Detectives brought in from around the city of Dayton...



What is the purpose of this event?

We want to share our beautiful homes and the many talents of our neighbors with you!

All proceeds from this event will be reinvested in our neighborhood.

Our neighborhood council, Historic South Park Incorporated (HSPI), is proud to bring this event to you.



How do I get to the starting location?

Where to go

All tour groups leave from The Home Group Realty, 67 Park Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45410.


You may park on South Park's streets (check street signage to make sure you can park in certain places).


More questions? Email Sarah Dugan