2023 Ewha International Workshop on

Algebraic Number Theory

Ewha Institute of Mathematical Sciences (EIMS)

Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Feb 9-11, 2023


Feb 9 (Thu) 2023

  • 09:40-09:50 Opening Ceremony

Opening Remark: Yoonjin Lee (Chief-organizer, Ewha Womans University)

Chair: Kwang-Seob Kim, Chosun University

  • 09:50-10:40: Talk 1

Joachim Konig, Korea National University of Education: Some progress on the unramified inverse Galois problem over low-degree number fields

  • 11:00-11:50: Talk 2

Dohyeong Kim, Seoul National University: Iwasawa's conjecture and its Diophantine application

  • 11:50-14:00: Lunch

Chair: Yasushi Mizusawa, Nagoya Institute of Technology

  • 14:00-14:50: Talk 3

Hyuga Yoshizaki, Tokyo University of Science: The $p$-adic limits of class numbers in $Z_p$-towers

  • 15:10-16:00: Talk 4

Sohei Tateno, Nagoya University: The Iwasawa Invariants of $Z_p^d$-covers of links

  • 16:20-17:10: Talk 5

Jun Ueki, Ochanomizu University: Idelic class field theory, Hilbert reciprocity law, and Lang—Trotter’s conjecture for 3-manifolds and links

Feb 10 (Fri) 2023

Chair: Manabu Ozaki, Waseda University

  • 09:50-10:40: Talk 1

Donghyeok Lim, Ewha Womans University: The finitude of tamely ramified pro-$p$ extensions of number fields with cyclic $p$-class groups

  • 11:00-11:50: Talk 2

Christian Maire, University of Franche-Comté, France: On Galois representations with large image

  • 11:50-14:00: Lunch

Chair: Christian Maire, University of Franche-Comté

  • 14:00-14:50: Talk 3

Yasushi Mizusawa, Nagoya Institute of Technology: Revisiting Fukuda-Komatsu criterion from arithmetic topology

  • 15:10-16:00: Talk 4

Manabu Ozaki, Waseda University: A number field analogue of Weil's theorem on congruent zeta functions

  • 16:20-17:10: Talk 5

Kwang-Seob Kim, Chosun University: An example of maximal unramified extensions over a real quadratic field

Feb 11 (Sat) 2023


  • 10:00-14:00 Research Discussions