Together We Can Invest In Our Town

Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive! That’s why each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet.  

This year the town has designed two ways to participate in the effort to keep Upton clean and green!  Volunteers can either attend our Kick-off Event on April 20th between 9:00 am - 12:30 pm at the VFW to pick-up supplies OR pick-up purple bags April 20th through May 3rd at the Upton Town Hall, Community Center or Soul Fuel Cafe.  For more information, see details below.

Independent Trash Pick-up

April 19 - May 3

Visit the Upton Town Hall during the times listed below.  
Monday to Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pmFriday, 8:00 am to noon
ORVisit the Community Center LibraryLibrary Hours: · Monday 9a · Tues, Weds, Thurs 9 am-8 pm · Fri, Sat 9 am-4 pm. ORSoul Fuel Cafe
Tues - Friday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Saturday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Tuesday - Fr  

Kick-off Event

April 19 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join us at the Upton VFW Post to pick-up complimentary bags, gloves, and pickers.

Event FAQ

Volunteer:  All volunteers must sign-up for the event to help our organizers coordinate trash bag pick-ups

Safety Waiver: View the volunteer waiver here

Where do I place the bags? When you've finished collecting trash, please leave the purple bags in a visible spot on the side of the road you selected when filling out the volunteer form. The Upton DPW will collect all bags and properly dispose the litter throughout the program

Event and Supply Pick-up Locations

Upton VFW

April 20 Only

Upton Town Hall

April 19 - May 3

Soul Fuel Café

April 19 - May 3

Safety Tips

Special thanks to the Upton DPW, Upton Police Department, VFW Post 5594, Upton Board of Selectmen, Upton Board of Health, and Soul Fuel Cafe for their support.