Photo Days  

2023 Photo Days will be held at our studio starting Monday, May 1st - Thursday, May 4th during class time.  There are no regular classes held on these days.

Our lobby will be closed at this time to allow for better traffic flow.  A staff member will greet your dancer at the door and return them to you at the completion of their photo time slot.

We have our INCREDIBLE Photographer, Jeri coming back to take our photos! Jeri has been taking our photos for the past 7 years, is the source of all of our best images and our students ADORE her!  

Students will need to arrive 10 minutes before their scheduled photo time, dressed in their first costume and bring along all of their additional costumes (if in multiple classes), hair supplies and accessories. This includes hairspray, bobby pins, bun pins, hairnets, tights, shoes, hair ties and safety pins.  

Please refer to the images below for your photo times!

Makeup for photo day is not required and up to parents discretion. 

Class Photo Times