
Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA), The CUHK


(Conference Venue 會議場地)

Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA) is near to University Station of the MTR East Rail. It is accessible by walking forward from Exit D and crossing the pedestrian crossing.

康本國際學術園鄰近港鐵大學站,由大學站 D 出口前行並橫過斑馬線即可抵達。

Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT), The CUHK


(Dining Venue 用膳地點)

Please be informed that the lunch will be served at Gastronomy Club, 5/F Cheng Yu Tung Building.

大會為與會學者安排於 Gastronomy Club 享用午膳,有請移步鄭裕彤樓 5 樓用餐。