2023 EIMS International Conference 

on Applied Statistics

Ewha Institute of Mathematical Sciences (EIMS)

Ewha Womans University, S. Korea, Sep 22, 2023


Session 1 (10:00~12:30)

Recent Advances in Applied Statistics 

(Chair. Donghwan Lee / Ewha Womans University)

10:00-10:50 Ice model calibration using semi-continuous spatial data (Won Chang / University of Cincinnati, USA)

10:50-11:40 Linking satellite data with public health: A spatial analysis of stunting prevalence and tuberculosis cases in Java Indonesia (Setia Pramana / Politeknik Statistika STIS, Indonesia)

11:40-12:30 Familial inference: Tests for hypotheses on a family of centers  (Steve MacEachern / The Ohio State University, USA) 

*** Hybrid (Offline Talk at A317 Science BLDG, Ewha Womans Unv.)  ***


Session 2 (15:00~17:30)

Stochastic Models and Its Applications 

(Chair. Ji Hwan Cha / Ewha Womans University)

15:00-15:50 Preservation of the log concavity by Bernstein operator with an application to ageing properties of a coherent system (German Badia / University of Zaragoza, Spain)

15:50-16:40 Correlation analysis in a two-component degrading system subject to periodic and imperfect preventive maintenance actions (Inma Castro / University of Extremadura, Spain)

16:40-17:30 Discussing virtual age in reliability context (Maxim Finkelstein / University of the Free State, South Africa)