This new continuous monthly calendar template for Microsoft Excel will let you create and print a calendar without breaks between months, all on one worksheet. Start by entering the year, month, and the day of the week that you want the calendar to start on.

Week numbers are listed to the left of the calendar. The first week number uses the WEEKNUM() function to automatically calculate the week number based on the ISO standard, but you can manually enter the beginning week number if you want to.

2023 Calendar With Week Numbers Excel Free Download

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The screenshot above shows every other month with a different background color. Although it would be possible to automate this using conditional formatting, I have chosen not to for two main reasons. First, the conditional formatting would not let you manually change the background color - something people like to do with Excel calendars when an event spans more than one day. Second, it only takes a couple minutes to manually change the background color yourself. See below for a design that uses a different method of showing the separation of months.

Serial_number Required. A date within the week. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. For example, use DATE(2008,5,23) for the 23rd day of May, 2008. Problems can occur if dates are entered as text.

The WEEKNUM Function[1] is an Excel DATE and TIME Function. It is often overlooked but can quite useful when utilized properly. Basically, the WEEKNUM function will return the week number of a specific date as per the calendar year. The function will return an integer that represents a week number from 1 to 52 weeks of the year.

By default, the WEEKNUM function uses a calendar convention in which the week containing January 1 is considered to be the first week of the year. However, the ISO 8601 calendar standard, widely used in Europe, defines the first week as the one with the majority of days (four or more) falling in the new year. This means that if return_type is any valid value other than 21, for any years in which there are three days or less in the first week of January, the WEEKNUM function returns week numbers that are different from the ISO 8601 definition.

If you pass a single number to these functions, the return value is a single result. If you pass a single-column table that contains numbers, the return value is a single-column table of results, one result for each record in the argument's table. If you have a multi-column table, you can shape it into a single-column table, as working with tables describes.

Replace with Time.local(year,month,day) for other dates.


%U - Week number of the year, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the first week (00..53)

%V - Week number of year according to ISO-8601 (01..53)

%W - Week number of the year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53) 

While Microsoft Excel provides an array of functions to work with weekdays, months and years, only one is available for weeks - the WEEKNUM function. So, if you are looking for a way to get a week number from a date, WEEKNUM is the function you want.

In this short tutorial, we will briefly talk about the syntax and arguments of Excel WEEKNUM, and then discuss a few formula examples demonstrating how you can use the WEEKNUM function to calculate week numbers in your Excel worksheets.

Note. In Excel 2007 and earlier versions, only options 1 and 2 are available. Return types 11 through 21 are supported in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 only.Excel WEEKNUM formulas to convert date to week number (from 1 to 54)The following screenshot demonstrates how you can get week numbers from dates with the simplest =WEEKNUM(A2) formula:

In real-life scenarios, the Excel WEEKNUM function is rarely used on its own. Most often you would use it in combination with other functions to perform various calculations based on the week number, as demonstrated in further examples.

How to convert week number to date in ExcelAs you have just seen, it's no big deal to turn a date into a week number using the Excel WEEKNUM function. But what if you are looking for the opposite, i.e. converting a week number to a date? Alas, there is no Excel function that could do this straight away. So, we will have to construct our own formulas.

=DATE(A2,1,1)- WEEKDAY(DATE(A2,1,1),2) + B2*7

Formula 2. A week containing Jan-1 is week 1, Sun-Sat weekThese formulas are similar to the above ones with the only difference that they are written for Sunday - Saturday week.

End date:

=DATE(A2,1,1)- WEEKDAY(DATE(A2,1,1),1) + B2*7

Formula 3. Always start counting on January 1, Mon-Sun weekWhile the previous formulas return Monday (or Sunday) of week 1, regardless of whether if falls within this year or the previous year, this start date formula always returns January 1 as the start date of week 1 regardless of the day of the week. By analogy, the end date formula always returns December 31 as the end date of the last week in the year, regardless of the day of the week. In all other respects, these formulas work similarly to Formula 1 above.

Note. Please remember that the above formula works based on the ISO week date system, where the week starts on Monday and the week containing the 1st Thursday of the year is considered week 1. For example, in the year 2016, the first Thursday is January 7, and that is why week 1 begins on 4-Jan-2016.How to get a week number in a month (from 1 to 6)If your business logic requires converting a specific date to the week number within the corresponding month, you can use the combination of WEEKNUM, DATE and MONTH functions:


How to sum values and find average by the week numberNow that you know how to convert a date to a week number in Excel, let's see how you can use week numbers in other calculations.

If the helper column with the WEEKNUM formula does not fit well into your data layout, I regret to tell you that there is no simple way to get rid of it because Excel WEEKNUM is one of those functions that doesn't accept range arguments. Therefore, it cannot be used within SUMPRODUCT or any other array formula like the MONTH function in a similar scenario.

How to highlight cells based on the week numberLet's say you have a long list of dates in some column and you want to highlight only those that relate to a given week. All you need is a conditional formatting rule with a WEEKNUM formula similar to this:

As demonstrated in the screenshot below, the rule highlights sales that were made within week 10, which is the first week in March 2015. Since the rule applies to A2:B15, it highlights values in both columns. You can learn more about creating conditional formatting rules in this tutorial: Excel conditional formatting based on another cell value.

This is how you can calculate week numbers in Excel, convert week number to date and extract week number from date. Hopefully, the WEEKNUM formulas you have learned today will prove useful in your worksheets. In the next tutorial, we will talk about calculating age and years in Excel. I thank you for reading and hope to see you next week!

--A made the calculation for the Week Nr (with the WEEKNUM function, the second parameter of which is: 21 (this is the ISO 8601 week number, the

 week containing the first Thursday of the year is week 1)).

 -- It is interesting, that the Week nr of 2012.12.31 was/is 1 week. Is it an error, or I have to make a calculation, to not repeat it (because theree is 1st

 week in 2012.01.01-2012.01.8?


Any ideas whether to use an ISOWEEKNUM function or a Format Cells option:

e.g. a project starts in week X, no binding to date or year.

Different activities are to be accomplished prior to the project start - let's say task A: week "X- 7" before project start, task B: week "X - 4" before, task C: week "X - 2" before, etc..

How can a project start week be determined as a week nr for excel, otherwise week 3 starting project shows "-4" for task A instead of 49.



I was wondering. I am not very computer / excel savvy.

I need to work out the week number from a specific date.

eg If someone has surgery on 19/8/2020 and it always based on 'todays date' what is the week number.

e.g date of surgery: 19/8/2020. today's date: 14/10/2020 ... this is 8 weeks post surgery... I need to do this in my excel spreadsheet.... thanks in advance

I am creating a gantt chart in excel for my plan. My formula determines the start week number and end week number, and displays "1" in a cell corresponding for each week number in a timeline. My challenge is how to use this logic when my fiscal year starts in April 2018 and ends in April 2019. If my timeline starts, say in week 46 of 2016 and ends in week 10 of 2019, my formula does not work. Here is the formula I am using:

A lot of software that deal with dates has poor support for week number, in particular the ISO week numbering scheme that is used on this site. The concept of week numbers is virtually unknown in large parts of the world, so adding support for them is not high on the agenda for most software companies. However, with a few tricks it is often possible to make week numbers calculations, even if the application does not have native support for week numbers.

It doesn't seem to work in 2021. It returns '21' for me today while we're currently in week 20, according to my calendar. I suppose I could replace the '1' in the formula with '2' but then it will likely not work correctly for next year, I would expect?

EDIT: or it could be because my calendar uses the ISO week number, which always starts on a Monday. That would explain. Unfortunately, that's the one I need. I'll try the method described here. It's more complex but if it does the job, then great. e24fc04721

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