2022 SWE Africa International Women's Day Symposium

Women breaking barriers in STEM leading towards Africa’s development


This is the 2nd SWE Africa IWD Pan African symposium that celebrates the social, economic and political advancement for women around the world and as the Society of women engineers (SWE) Africa, we celebrate and recognize women in STEM leading technological innovations and policy across Africa in varying industries. The SWE Africa Network is focusing on providing a dynamic network of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) professionals promoting STEM interest among youth and professional growth since 2009 with country- specific outreach events and local STEM networks within Africa.

Africa as a continent has been a pioneer in technological innovations with African women at the fore-front of breaking barriers on development issues lt is important that the continent continues to invest and capitalize on science technology, engineering and mathematics while supporting women to overcome barriers and biases they sometimes face in the STEM fields. It is for this reason that during this year’s International Women’s Day 2022, under the universal theme “Break the Bias”, SWE Africa will highlight “Women breaking barriers in STEM leading towards Africa’s development” through different sectors.

Transport and Construction

Education and Public Policy

Technology and Innovation

12:00 - 1:15 PM

SWE Africa IWD Kick-Off

  • Introduction to IWD -

Lilian Motongori, IWD symposium Chair

  • Opening Remarks :

Eng,Vera Egwuatu, Lead SWE Africa Network, Chair SWE Africa Taskforce

Eng. Dr.Rose-Margaret Ekeng-Itua, Advisor SWE Africa Taskforce

Message from SWE HQ-

Karen Ramsey Idem, Director SWE

Karen Horting, CEO/ Executive Director SWE

Keynote Speech

"Women breaking barriers in STEM leading towards Africa’s development"

  • Amb.Nkoyo Toyo, Women Empowernment Thought leader and Humanitarian development Thinktank

The keynote speaker is an influential leader from Africa at the forefront in leading policy and discussion that promote Africa’s development.

Objective: At the end of the event the participants should understand:

The importance and role of Science, Engineering and Technology (STEM) in driving Development in Africa

The need for Women to participate in STEM and lead the change.

The keynote’s speakers Stand and proposition on the development of African nations.

Break-out rooms

1:20 - 2:10 PM

Women in STEM Breaking barriers in Transport and construction leading towards Africa's Development

  • Speaker: Deborah Braide, International Development specialist

This speaker is an influential leader in the Transport and construction industry who has impacted so many through her work and has made progress in leadership in her profession.

  • Moderator: Catherine Omada Ameh

Objective: At the end of the Event the participants should understand:

Current issues and trends in the transport and construction industry in Africa

Development gaps and opportunities for Transport and construction in Africa

The role and importance of women participation in the transport and construction industry

1:20 - 2:10 PM

Women in STEM Breaking barriers in Education and Public policy leading towards Africa's Development

  • Speaker: Ing. Louise Chaytor, President of Institution of Engineers, Sierra leone

This speaker is an influential leader in Academia or education ministry from the West African region who is leading policy formulation and advocacy in the education sector.

  • Moderator: Enia Kakombu

Objective: At the end of the Event the participants should understand:

  • Current Challenges and solutions for the education sector in Africa

  • The role of education in the development of African nations

  • Current trends and policies in the education sector that support STEM and how they promote development in Africa.

1:20 - 2:10 PM

Women in STEM Breaking barriers in Technology and Innovation leading towards Africa's Development

  • Speaker: Patricia Opanga, Senior Technical Program Manager for Commerce Integrity at Meta, London

This speaker is a a leader in the technology and innovation sector from the East African Region who is well known for her innovation and her work in promoting and advocating for technology and innovation in Africa.

  • Moderator: Jessicca Yakwo, Chief Civil Engineer National Assembly Nigeria

Objective: At the end of the Event the participants should understand:

  • The role of technology and innovation in driving development in Africa

  • Current trends in technology and Innovation in Africa.

  • Policies and regulations that promote technology and innovation in Africa

  • The need for women in STEM to innovate.

2:10 - 2:20 PM

IWD Conclusion

  • Call to action and Salutations- Chinyere Igwegbe

  • #BreaktheBias Affirmations from IWD Committee

Closing Remarks: Lilian Motongori, IWD Chair

IWD Commitee

    • Jessica Shekwotaya Yakwo, Technical Lead

    • Umi Kerre, IWD Speaker and Logistics Support

    • Enia Kakombu- Speaker and logistics support

    • Mulikat Abubakar Lanre Idris, IWD Technical Track Lead

    • Catherine Omada Ameh, IWD Technical Track Lead

    • Enanga Daisy- IWD Advisor

    • Chinyere Igwegbe- Program lead

Let us know if you'll be attending!