2023 Keynote Talks

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Morning 9:30-10:20 am:

Dr. Mengesha, Tadele Adamtie 

at University of Tennessee

Morning 10:40-11:30 am: 

Dr. Fei Liu 

at Bank of America

Dr. Tadele Mengesha Professor at the University of Tennessee

Title: Introduction to nonlocal operators and equations

Abstract: Nonlocal models are becoming commonplace across application. Typically these models are formulated using integral operators and integral equations, in lieu of the commonly used differential operators and differential equations. In this introductory lecture,  I will present main properties of these nonlocal operators and equations. Tools of analyzing them such as nonlocal calculus, methods of showing well posedness of models, as well as corresponding solution/function spaces will be discussed. Behavior  of solutions of nonlocal equations as a function of a measure of nonlocality will be analyzed. For example, with proper scaling, we will confirm consistency of models by showing that in the event of vanishing nonlocality, a limit of such  solutions solve a differential equation. We will demonstrate all these in two model examples: a nonlocal model of heat conduction and a system of coupled equations from nonlocal mechanics.

Dr. Fei Liu Senior Vice President at Bank of America

Title: Modeling Applications in the Bank

Abstract:.  The applications of the statistical modeling and machine learning have a wide scope in the realm of banking, ranging from credit risk assessment, to fraud detection, pricing, and customer service. In this lecture, I will introduce a variety of problems these technologies help resolve in the banking business, and the unique challenges using modeling in a highly regulated industry. By facilitating informed decisions, improving customer experiences, and addressing industry-specific challenges, the statistical modeling and machine learning are propelling the banking sector towards a more dynamic and customer-centric future.