What kind of school culture does NJC have?

NJC has a very supportive school culture and this is evident in our daily lives. NJCians are always willing to lend a helping hand, be it during lessons or CCAs. Nearing the examination season, students show their support for one another by studying together and sharing notes. Teachers also provide multiple consultation slots to help students with their learning. Apart from the exam period, NJC also has many programmes which enable students to bond and get to know each other better.

Do JH1 students require electronic devices for school?

Students are required to have their personal iPads. Technology is well-infused into many of our learning experiences, even outside of the classroom, so having a personal iPad will aid students in their learning experience.

What is the class size for JH1s?

The typical class size is 27 – 30.

What are the electives offered at NJC?

NJC offers various electives such as the listed:

  • Art Elective Programme (AEP)

  • Music Programme (MP)

  • Advanced Inquiry in Math (AIM)

  • Advanced Language Arts (ALA)

  • Advanced Humanities (AH)

  • Python

  • Advanced Science

  • Man and Ideas (MI)

Find out more in our official NJ website which you can access in the Home page :)

How can I apply for DSA into NJC?

You can apply for DSA through any of our Co-Curricular Activities:

Sports CCAs:

  • Basketball

  • Canoeing

  • Shooting

  • Softball (Girls ONLY)

  • Squash

  • Track and Field

Performing Arts CCAs:

  • Chinese Orchestra and Guzheng Ensemble

  • Chinese Dance

  • Choir

  • Guitar Ensemble

  • Indian Dance

  • Malay Dance

  • String Orchestra

  • Symphonic Band

  • Western Dance

You can also apply for DSA through the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Programme, the Art Elective Programme (AEP) as well as our very own Music Programme (MP)!

For more information, please refer to our NJC Website, or this link:

Is boarding still ongoing?

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, boarding has been suspended across all cohorts for now. However, NJC has introduced a Self-Mastery+ programme that aims to instil the skills usually learnt in boarding through a variety of different activities such as sewing, coding and many more!