
2022/06/27 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

淺談英語學術寫作教學: 批判性思考與教學實踐

Teaching and Learning Core Abilities in Academic Writing: Critical Thinking or Wishful Thinking?

主講者: 蕭閔駿 Allen Minchun Hsiao

參加方式: 無須報名


While most undergraduate students in the US have been trained to structure a paragraph and organize paragraphs in a five-paragraph essay, they tend to lack three core abilities to be successful in academic writing: the ability to pose a question that guides their inquiry, the ability to critically evaluate arguments that surround a controversy or issue, and the ability to advance the conversation by making a “meaningful academic argument.” In this talk, I will share my course design that aims to develop these abilities. I will also provide principles and tips that help implement the pedagogical strategies. Then, I will zoom out from the context of my US classroom to critically examine the universality of these designs and principles with regard to the context of teaching and learning writing in Taiwan.