
Wen-yu Weng 翁文妤

Wen-Yu Weng is currently an educator, writer and consultant based in London, United Kingdom. She simultaneously holds the position as the national coach of Taiwan's National Debate Team, while also working as a trusted consultant in the energy and climate sector for some of the most recognizable organizations and companies in the world. As a student, Wen-Yu participated in competitive debating tournaments across four continents, and has achieved success in winning national championships across three countries - Taiwan, Thailand and the UK. Her passion for critical thinking, debate education and current affairs led her to co-found Taiwan Debate Union, the largest debate organization in Taiwan. Since then she has coached over 500 students in her personal capacity, including students from National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, and many other universities, as well as multiple of Taiwan's leading private and government high schools. She has previously featured as a guest lecturer in NCCU on many occasions to introduce students of the department to the art of debating. Under her tutelage, the Taiwan National Team went on to rank within the Top 8 nations in the World Schools Debating Championship out of 60+ competing nations.

Wen-Yu believes debating and critical thinking are fundamental skills for the modern world, and on a daily basis she leverages her debating and critical thinking acumen to strengthen her work as an advisor in the energy and climate space. Wen-Yu holds Master degrees from the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Speaker of 12/14 9:10 AM-12 PM

Topic: National Coach of Taiwan Debate Team and Founder of Taiwan Debate Union

  • 2002年從政大社會系畢業後, 直接留學復旦大學新聞研究所,待過北京和上海,人生最後卻落腳在英國

  • 25歲回台灣後從事3年媒體工作、 2年行銷公關工作

  • 30歲時遠嫁英國成為「外籍新娘」Mrs Reader,用台灣腔英文闖蕩英國行銷業界,是公司裡唯一的外國人,也是唯一具有亞洲面孔的客戶經理

  • 2015年開始在台灣各大媒體撰寫職場專欄, 並在台灣與英國兩地累積許多職涯講座主講經驗

  • 沒有歐美學歷,2021年被英國前40大行銷公司挖角 ,現在薪水比土生土長的英國老公Mr Reader高

  • 作為斜槓工作狂, 兩年內出了三本書: 第一本講英國文化, 第二本談跨文化婚姻, 12月即將出版的第三本書教大家如何善用跨國遠距工作的機會, 不出國就能在家打造國際職涯

  • 除了是三本書寶寶的媽媽,她還是兩個混血兒的母親,最大的心願就是教孩子說一口流利的中文

  • 除了上班、寫作、養孩子外,她還是「女力學院」的講師,並在今年拿到英國CPD Life Coach證照, 主攻career coach, 目標是幫助更多台灣年輕人打造有意義的成功職涯

Speaker of 12/12 10:10 AM-12:00