Topics for Papers

Sustainable and Blue Carbon Developments, and Artificial Intelligence in Aquaculture

Applications of Value Addition in Aquaculture and Seafood Products


Important Dates


General Guidelines for Submission


  1. Abstracts must be submitted under one of the following two topics 摘要需選擇以下2個主題之一投稿。

A. Sustainable and Blue Carbon Developments, and Artificial Intelligence in Aquaculture 水產殖永續及藍碳發展與智慧養殖

B. Applications of Value Addition in Aquaculture and Seafood Products 水產殖及水產品加值應用

  1. Abstracts must be original and must not be or have been published. 摘要必須原創並沒有被發表過。

  2. Abstracts must be submitted via our online Abstract Submission google form. 摘要須通過本研討會的在線摘要提交表單提交。

  3. The submitted research work must be presented by the first author, and the first author must complete online registration to present. 欲發表的研究必須要由第一作者報告,且作者需完成在線註冊才能在大會上發表。

  4. If the submitted abstract is part of a subsidy project from the Ministry of Science and Technology or other units, please indicate the subsidy unit and the project number. 如提交的摘要是科技部或其他單位資助項目的一部分,請註明資助單位和項目編號。

  5. The accepted abstract will be announced in the latest news on the website starting from September 25th, 2022. 接受的摘要與編號將自2022年09月25日起公布於網頁最新消息中。

  6. The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to reject any abstract when it considers not to be appropriate in relation to the congress criteria. 如摘要與大會標準不符,委員會保留拒絕任何摘要的權利。

Abstract Format


1. All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English. 所有摘要須以英文提交和發表/報告

2. Font, text size and spacing 字體,文字大小和間距:

Font 字體: Times New Roman font

Title 標題: 16 points (bold)

Subheading 副標題: 14 points (bold)

Content 內文: 12 points

Keywords 關鍵詞: limited to 3-7 keywords

Spacing 間距: Line spacing should be set to 15 points.

3. The first letter of each major word in the title must be capitalized 標題中每個主要單字的首字母必須大寫。

4. All abstracts must contain the following information: Background and Aim, Methods, Results and Conclusion, Keywords 摘要須包含以下資訊:背景和目標,方法,結果和結論,關鍵字。

5. The corresponding author must be added a star marker after his/her name. 通訊作者的名字後面須加星號。

6. Abstracts (not including title, authors, institutions and keywords) should be no more than 300 words. Tables or figures are not allowed. 摘要(不包括標題,作者,機構和關鍵字)不得超過300字;不得使用表格或圖片。

7. File format: All submissions should be saved in Microsoft Word format (Word 2007 or later) and sent via submission site 文件格式:所有摘要應以Microsoft Word格式(Word 2007或更高版本)保存,並通過報名/投稿google表單上傳.

8. The submitted word file must be named in the format of "Topic code-the name of the first author-Institute" (the name of the first author: using the first letters to stand for the first names, plus full last name, e.g., J.Doe stands for John Doe). Please also make sure "the name of the first author" must be the same as in the online registration). 摘要Word檔名稱命名: 摘要領域編號-第一作者姓名-單位 (第一作者姓名:名請用第一個字母代替+完整姓);另請確認第一作者的名字與線上報名表所填寫的一致。For example, A-J Doe-Chiayi University.

If you will submit more than one abstract, please add numbers after the name to indicate, starting from the second abstract. 如上傳超過一份的摘要,請自第二份摘要起,在作者名後加數字示意。For example: A-J Doe(2)-Chiayi University.

Instruction on poster format


  1. Title of the poster, author(s), affiliation, abstract and content of the paper must be included and written in English. 含題目、作者、所屬單位、論文摘要,內容以英文呈現。

  2. The poster size is 90-cm wide x 120-cm high, and the color and format are not limited. 海報尺寸寬 90 cm x 高 120 cm,顏色及格式不拘。

  3. Please bring your own poster and post it in the designated area where the paper number indicates by 9:30 a.m. on October 3; and the scheduled poster session is 11:30-13:30 (please be prepared if intended to present by the authors). 發表者請自備海報,並於10月03日上午9點30分前,張貼於論文編號位置,11:30-13:30時解說 (如需解說,請參加者自行準備)。

  4. All posters must be taken off by 4:30 p.m. on October 3; the remaining posters will be cleaned out after the deadline and will not be returned to the author(s)。所有海報請於下午4:30前拆除,未撤除者,將由工作人員逕行處理,恕不發還。

  5. Vertical poster boards and stationery are provided on site, but there is no projection equipment or power supply. 現場備有立式海報板及張貼文具,無放映設備及電源。

Page header photo credit: Image by Quang Nguyen vinh from Pixabay