Welcome to the 2022 CU SOM
Colorado Springs Branch
Virtual QI Symposium

The CSB Quality Improvement and Patient Safety LIC from the Class of 2023 has worked hard to systematically improve healthcare in the El Paso County community over the past year thought their QI work. Thank you to our students, preceptors, and faculty for your support and contribution to improving healthcare in our community!

We welcome you to send the student's your thoughts and comments about their projects by clicking on the student's name to send them an email!

To enlarge the poster click on the top right corner of the photo.

QI Poster Investigation of delays in the 1st case of the day.ppt
Investigation of delays in the 1st case of the day
Dolph_Final QI Poster.ppt
First Steps: Collaboration in improving safety of home birth
Addressing the Pandemic-Related CareGap in Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Screening
Surgeon Wellness QI Poster_Graham and Khan.pptx
Fighting Burnout with Sunlight: Will More Outdoor Exposure Improve Surgeon Wellness?
Final CHCO QI Poster for Submission.ppt
Improving Transfer of Care from Urgent Care Centers to the Emergency Department for Pediatric Orthopedic Injuries
Khan and Griffin_Final QI Poster.ppt

Assessing the Increase in ED Bouncebacks Following Total Hip/Knee Arthroplasties
QI Poster CHESS Complete.pptx
Implementing CHESS Health App to Improve Addiction Treatment for Colorado Patients and Providers
QI Poster Final .pdf
Increasing Screening Rates for Non-Accidental Trauma inthe Colorado Springs Pediatric Emergency Department