Student Paper Competition Submission Information

Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit your paper as a regular “technical paper publication” on the conference submission site. The conference organizers will identify the papers eligible for the student paper competition.

  • Please submit to the symposium that best matches the technical content of the paper. There will be no direct submissions to student paper competition.

  • The lead author and presenter must be a student

  • The 10-page maximum limit will be strictly enforced to ensure fairness. Competitive papers longer than 10-pages may be asked to resubmit a 10-page version prior to final evaluation.

To aid authors, the anticipated evaluation criteria are listed below. Both the paper, and presentation will be evaluated.

Manuscript Evaluation

  • Originality:

  • Distinguishing the paper from the authors’ previous work

  • Distinguishing the paper from the research in that area

  • Technical content and quality:

  • Literature review

  • Method description

  • Results and analysis of the results

  • Novelty of the method

  • Relevance and contribution:

  • Relevance of the paper to the symposium topic

  • Contribution of the paper to the symposium topic

  • Organization and clarity:

  • Fluency of the paper

  • Definition of the mathematical terms and concepts used in the paper

  • Quality of the figures

  • Relevance of the figure captions with the content of the figures

  • References to the figure in the text

  • Necessary information about the paper and contribution in the abstract and conclusion

Presentation Evaluation

  • Introduction:

      • The research question/hypothesis was clearly stated.

      • The goals and specific objectives were presented.

      • The project had sufficient, supporting background.

  • Methods and results:

      • The methods were clearly outlines/explained.

      • The presented acknowledged limitations of the study.

      • The results were clearly explained/highlighted.

  • Conclusions:

      • A review/summary of the project was presented.

      • The significance of the results was discussed.

      • The applicability of the results was discussed.

  • Presentation style:

      • Presentation was clear, readable, well-structured, and logical.

      • The presentation fit into the allotted time.

      • The student seemed knowledgeable, exhibited good voice projection and confidence, and responded well to questions from the audience.