
Thank you to our current sponsors:






Dear Prospective Conference Sponsor,

The 2022 Alaska STEAM Conference will be held in Juneau on October 13th, 14th and 15th, 2022 (Thursday-Saturday).

We are currently seeking corporate and individual sponsors for this state-wide conference. At the conference,

entitled Leveraging Learning and Equity through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), we

will focus on innovative educational approaches that integrate content areas through the lens of equity. We

expect attendance of over 800 educators, administrators, presenters and vendors where they will impact

Alaskan students from around the state. The professional development offered for all who attend this

conference will result in better teaching and subsequently better learning by students.

The STEAM conference team is anxious to share with educators how partnerships with Native organizations,

nonprofit groups, agencies, and businesses result in rich learning experiences for students. In addition to local

educators and partners, we have also invited statewide and national experts to present their knowledge.

Why combine so many content areas for a conference?

● We are working on creating a workforce that can problem solve, write and think analytically,

communicate and defend ideas, and develop inquiry skills.

● Current employment projections by the U.S. Labor Department show that 15 of the 20 fastest growing

occupations require significant mathematics or science preparation to successfully compete for a job.

● One of the objectives of the Alaska STEAM Conference is to assure that attendees have a clear picture

of the importance of educating the whole child by showing them how to make connections to their

daily lives.

● The conference will provide tools for administrators and teachers to use, leading our children in the

classroom to becoming innovators in all content areas.

● We want Alaskan students to be able to “put all the pieces together” to become productive citizens.

All of this requires resources - both in-kind and financial. We know that this is a unique opportunity to support

an activity that will have a significant impact on education in Alaska. Please consider the importance and the

impact of your sponsorship. Your contribution will help ensure a quality event and have a broad impact on

education in Alaska and Alaskan communities.

One of the organizing associations, Alaska Science Teachers Association (ASTA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3)

organization and the tax identification number is ID # 51-0189489. All donations should be made payable to

2022 AK STEAM Conference and sent to PO Box 35654, Juneau, AK, 99803. If you have questions concerning

your sponsorship or donation, contact 2022aksteam@gmail.com. Attached is a list describing specific levels of

sponsorship and our commitment to recognizing your organization.

Thank you again for considering your participation in the 2022 AK STEAM Conference in the form of in-kind or

financial support.


Angie Wright, Co Chair

AK Council of Teachers of Math


Juneau, Alaska


Patty Brown, Co-Chair

AK Science Teachers Assoc.


Haines, Alaska


Ted Wilson, Co-Chair

Director of Teaching and Learning Support

Juneau School District

Juneau, Alaska


CLICK HERE for a description of our sponsorship levels.

Contact us with any questions or your customizable sponsorship package at 2022aksteam@gmail.com