

  1. 本次年會對外開放,歡迎各界人士報名參加。

  2. 年會參與者(包括主持人、發表人、評論人及聆聽者等)在年會開始前,請先上網註冊。

  3. 除了開幕論壇場次,每場次為90分鐘,報告順序以大會公告議程為準。

  4. 該場次有3篇論文者,每篇報告20分鐘;該場次有4-5篇論文者,每篇報告15分鐘。若需微調發表時間,請主持人在論文發表前告知現場工作人員。報告時間屆滿前2分鐘將開始按鈴提醒,請主持人協助掌握時間。各篇發表人報告後、或該場所有發表人完成報告後(請主持人視該場次情況而定),由評論人進行10分鐘評論,其餘時間開放現場問答。

  5. 每位提問人發言1次為原則,發言時請其告知單位及姓名,發言時間每次以2分鐘為限。請主持人協助掌握時間,以免影響其後場次。

  6. 年會未提供稿酬、發表費等費用。會後未規劃出版會議論文集。

Rules and Regulations

  1. This conference is open to the public to sign up.

  2. All the participants (including the chairmen, presenters, commentators/discussants, and the audi-ence) have to register before the conference.

  3. Except for the opening sessions on 24 Sep, each session is scheduled for 90 minutes.

  4. The recommended length for individual presentations is 15-20 minutes, depending on the numbers of presenters in each session; and for the commentator, it is around 10 minutes. For better time control, the presenter will be given two-minute reminder with a short bell ring or a placard raised. The rest of the time will be open for Q&A.

  5. Each question in Q&A session is limited to 2 minutes. All persons who would like to join the Q&A shall identify yourself by stating your name and the affiliated institution before presenting comments or questions.

  6. The conference doesn’t cover expenses regarding contribution, presentation, and publication.

  7. Also, there is no plan to publish conference proceedings afterwards.