Call for Papers

  • Submission deadline: 31st August 2022, 23:59 (anywhere on earth)

  • Author notification: 19th September 2022

  • Workshop: 2nd November 2022, 13:00h - 17:00h EST

We invite submissions on EasyChair of short papers (4 pages) and long papers (8 pages). There is no limit on the number of pages for references and acknowledgments.

Papers must be formatted according to ACM’s sigconf layout (see here for instructions). Papers must be submitted in pdf format on EasyChair and do not need to be anonymous.

Each paper will get at least two reviews.

The workshop will be non-archival in format, but we are intending to share the accepted papers on the workshop webpage.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Novel developments for existing XAI techniques, including: global methods such as intrinsically interpretable models or surrogate modelling; local methods such as counterfactual explanations, feature attribution and argumentation; information-theoretic methods; and qualitative and quantitative metrics for explanation quality.

  • Practical deployment of XAI within financial domains: best practices and lessons learned.

  • Novel research at the intersection of XAI and other desiderata of trustworthy AI/ML (e.g., fairness, robustness, and privacy).

  • Review papers highlighting important challenges and open problems within XAI for Finance.

  • User studies of consumer response to XAI techniques and AI model outputs.

  • Novel datasets for use within the XAI in Finance community.

  • Discussion on industry areas that are less automated and how best to leverage XAI moving forward.

  • Quantitative approaches to financial regulation description and enforcement.